I added this tea under Shang Tea – Private Stock Tea Club since these teas are not available from Shang unless you have a subscription due to their limited quantities. I want to keep track of these teas, though, for my own personal reference and in case it might tempt people to join up. :)
This was a nice, medium body oolong. Mineral taste is very present in later steeps. In the first steep, though, it was pretty much pure roasted vegetable for me. A light sweetness around the edges. Overall, though, I get the rock oolong mineral taste. The mineral notes are what lingers for me after the sip. I like this better than more roasty oolongs but not as much as the unroasted ones. The first steep was about 45 seconds and that’s apparently where the sweet spot is for me on this one, though I’ll experiment with some other methods and temperatures. This one was done per instructions for temp – boiling and let cool 1 minute.
The liquor is a beautiful light lemon color, bright and clear as a rock bottomed stream.
Yes, but no shipping for you. I can meet you somewhere. And if necessary, it’s not like in town shipping is that much. :)
I can’t wait to throw money at you so I can try some of this tea :P
Do you by chance have any of this left?
I do. :)
$7 plus shipping for a nice little stash, correct?
Yes, but no shipping for you. I can meet you somewhere. And if necessary, it’s not like in town shipping is that much. :)
Awww you are awesome! I will see what I can come up with meeting up-wise. My schedule this week is stupid with medical stuff, but after I get that taken care of I should know when I will be able to hang out :D