Followed by 72 Tea Drinkers

Matti Kalliokorpi 17 followers

First a tea hobbyist and then a founder of the chinese tea store Teepolku. My...

Nina 5 followers

BTVSGal 86 followers

I’m a lover of all teas. Open to almost anything,but my favorite are oolong, ...

smartkitty 26 followers

Bibliophile and language junkie. Now decidedly tea-crazed. Trying to convince...

Spoonvonstup 177 followers

I generally drink Chinese teas. I love things that are interesting, that forc...

Chad 32 followers

I still consider myself to be relatively new to the world of tea; started abo...

Juliet Earth 19 followers

Independent writer, graphic deisgner and tea lover :) Las cosas simples de la...

Kashyap 103 followers

Tea enthusiast and charity athlete who enjoys exploring and sharing the world...



I am a lover of everything good. Rivers, fields, plains, forests, lakes, mountains, valleys, deserts – people, tea, beer, cheese, wine. But mainly, more than anything, I love God. None of these other things are worth a cent without Him.

P.S. If you’re ever in Milwaukee and looking for someone to drink tea with for an afternoon, don’t hesitate to send a message.


Milwaukee, Wisconsin


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