Following 76 Tea Drinkers

David Duckler 257 followers

I fell in love with tea while doing work on classical Chinese language in Chi...

Thomas Smith 116 followers

Tea Geek. My focus is on Chinese Wulongs and Pu’er but I’m all over the place...

Cloudwalker Teas 59 followers

I’ve been drinking tea since I was a kid when I used to have a strong cup of ...

teaddict 97 followers

I’ve been drinking tea for 30 years, but only bought 2 brands of 2 different ...

deftea 36 followers

A dedicated tea drinker, I focus on teas from China and Taiwan. I favor oolon...

TeaGull 107 followers

Yet another puer obsessive.

Matti Kalliokorpi 17 followers

First a tea hobbyist and then a founder of the chinese tea store Teepolku. My...

jenny wren 47 followers

Longtime tea drinker, lifelong tea student. Lapsang Souchong started it for ...

Gingko (manager of Life in Teacup) 224 followers

Oolong is my love. Other teas are my great interests too. As a tea drinker, ...



I am a lover of everything good. Rivers, fields, plains, forests, lakes, mountains, valleys, deserts – people, tea, beer, cheese, wine. But mainly, more than anything, I love God. None of these other things are worth a cent without Him.

P.S. If you’re ever in Milwaukee and looking for someone to drink tea with for an afternoon, don’t hesitate to send a message.


Milwaukee, Wisconsin


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