Huh. Well I dug this out since it was Easter the other day and decided this was my most Eastery tea. I recall not much liking it last time I had it, but that was a long time ago.
I brewed it up and it smelled pretty nice at first. Fruity, not bad at all. This brew didn’t have a jellybean, but whatever, I was adding sugar anyways.
So, the thing with this tea is that it taste quite pleasant. You’re getting some citrus and sweetness, and it’s nice. But as it starts to cool, it starts to smell like stomach bile and/or vomit. Seriously. I have to go back in my notes to see if I smelled this the last time I drank it, but I seem to recall that it did smell off. If you just drink it without inhaling, it still tastes nice and pleasant. But if you inhale as you sip, God help you.
I just…yuck. Drink this one hot guys, real hot. And don’t inhale as you sip. Yikes. Would not repurchase and will be hard pressed to finish the bag I have.