I have too many teas and I forget things, so I’m mostly using this site to categorize and note my preferences. But if someone else gets something out of that, that’s great.
I prefer malty, smoky black teas the most for taste, and puer teas for the “kick” they give me. Though I do dabble in other types those are my two mainstays.
90-100 best of the best. these are the teas that I may even hesitate to drink because I don’t want to use them up.
80-89 great and unique in some way, probably a usual in my rotation. I’ll buy it if I’m getting low, unless it’s very expensive.
70-79 very solid but not spectacular. Buy it on sale.
60-69 not necessarily a disappointment. Just okay. Will drink but won’t buy again.
50-59 I’ll be hard pressed to drink these again, but they aren’t gross. They’ll sit in my storage until I’m bored enough to drink again.
<50 I won’t be finishing this off. Getting grosser as the number goes down.