drank Wild Orange Blossom by Teavana
30 tasting notes

OMG— all the things i ordered from TEAVANA taste like a tea from DAVIDs, which sucks, because I waited 2.5 weeks :(

Anyway- it tastes very similar to MID SUMMER NIGHTS DREAM (from DAVIDs TEA)

The taste: Very fruity (ORANGey – is that a word :P??) Nice iced- have yet to try it hot but will soon

I think I will wait until I get the youthberry tea- and blend it with this one. :D

The color – orange – “duh”

The smell: Nice- refreshing- orangey :)


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I’m just a guy, who loves tea!
I am no expert whatsoever. I just enjoy making,drinking,buying, and reviewing tea!

Heres my rating scale:

0-10: oh my gosh, I cant stand this tea and I must immediately get rid of it. I usually end up giving these teas away.

10-20: Not so great, I will also give these teas away and just forget about them.

20-30: Eh, I’ve had better. Not a huge fan and wont drink again.

30-40: Okay, the taste is alright but nothing memorable.

40-50: This tea is good, but again not memorable enough to stay stocked up.

50-60: I enjoyed this tea and will drink a few cups of it.

60-70: This tea is great and will I drink lots of it.

70-80: Wow this tea is good. I will most likely re-purchase.

80-90: A new favourite.

90-100: AMAZING! WILL STOCK UP ON! GREAT! GREAT! GREAT!Memorable taste, yummy, and just plain good!


B.C, Canada

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