Like with my not so great experiences with Green teas, I tried Chai years ago once or twice. (I remember at least one of those times was a cold one…Starbucks or Borders Cafe.) I did not care for it. I suspect now that it was because I did not have the palate to appreciate it. Now, generally speaking for a bagged tea, Good Earth seems like a decent company. unbleached tea bags, no over emphasizing health qualities, (which is not an automatic turn off for me, but still.) This flavor: I am extremely picky about my vanilla. Imitation doesn’t bother me, as long as it doesn’t taste like imitation. And balance of flavor is also important, if there is more then one. I do not like notes that only hit at the last minute. I do like the Original Spicy, but I found the cinnamon to be almost too intense. So, the vanilla smooths that out for me, but I still feel the kick of the cinnamon. I think next time I will try steeping it for 7 minutes, to see how it comes out.