I’m at-home mother of 4, married 10 years. Tea, like knitting, is therapy for me. It’s a short reprieve from things that frustrate me. And it’s much cheaper than actual therapy. I was raised by my grandparents, both of whom enjoyed a good cup of tea, and they were already set in their ways by the time I came along. They had their tea all picked out, and we drank the same thing pretty much all the time. I just recently started branching out after discovering some new teas in a Round Robin I participated in on Ravelry(my other safe haven where my knitting progress lives), and I’ve been experimenting ever since. I recently tried my first loose leaf, Twinings Irish Breakfast, and I’ve also been getting some samples from Chado Teas. Every time I get a box or packet in the mail it’s like Christmas!
Aside from tea, my life consists of normal mommy-type stuff, of course, and I have 2 girls ages 7 and 9, and two boys ages 3 and 5. But I also enjoy photography, knitting, reading, writing, making collages, and tending to the farm. Did I mention I have 2 horses, goats, chickens, a pig, ducks, working dogs, and a couple of cats? We LOVE animals around here. I also love Dr. Who, many British comedies such as Are You Being Served?, and sarcasm. I suffer from depression and anxiety, hence the need for things to keep my hands busy and my mind on task, and I also have a sensory disorder, which includes a strong aversion to jeans and jean-like materials.
My favorite teas so far:
-Heredia Lemon Verbena
-Chai anything(except Stash, which is, for some reason, quite bland to me)
-Twinings Irish Breakfast
-Twinings Pure Mint
-Numi Aged Earl Grey
-Twinings New Zealand Breakfast
-Twinings Lady Grey
I will add more as I come across them, and some of these will probably fall off the list in favor of others I may prefer.
Northeast Georgia
I’ve never had much luck with Yogi teas. Too many funky things that distract from whatever the “real” flavor is supposed to be.
I agree with you both, although the Energizing Mint is pretty decent. There are usually a lot of funky (and not the good kind of funk) involved. Blech.
Well now I know. lol Definitely don’t like that ‘cluttered’ feeling in my tea.