206 Tasting Notes
This tea is like Winnie the Pooh — everything in it is alive, well-rounded, and sweet. The stately green tea (Wise Owl) is offset with the sweet sugar/hazelnut bits (Pooh), bright candied pineapple bits (Tigger!), coconut rasps (Kanga and Roo), and Walnut/Almond pieces (deep and calm like Eeyore).
Join me as I extend the metaphor too far here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2016/12/11/walnut-green-tea-from-aromatica-fine-teas/
“I’ve tried a bunch of Pumpkin Spice beverages this autumn, and this one stands out as the most original. It’s the only one that features green tea (!) and pineapples (!).”
If you want to hear me ramble on about Hogwarts’ library and discover a fun Harry Potter coincidence, read the full entry: http://sororiteasisters.com/2016/12/04/pumpkin-juice-green-tea-52teas/
I loved this blend. “You get apple. You get cinnamon. You get maple. You get a little bit of a malt note that I might be imagining. But I’ve now put the idea of malt in your head. You’ll therefore taste it when you try this. There’s a deep black tea note that hangs out in the background, letting the sweet kids romp around on the main stage.”
Full review at http://sororiteasisters.com/2016/11/29/apple-cinnamon-french-toast-simpson-vail/
This tea lacks actual wine. Those of you who thought you could have spiked tea on the clock are going to be disappointed. Or, at least, I was. “It was tea, boss! I didn’t KNOW!”
What this tea DOES have is black tea (my bae), beet root (probably the source of the color & flavor), orange (citrus zing!), and malva blossoms (attractive!).
A full review about being a productive member of society while sipping this is at: http://sororiteasisters.com/2016/11/23/spiced-mulled-wine-simpson-vail/
“Mighty” is an Earl Grey with a TON of extra flavoring added. It’s like the Kool-Aid Man breaking through walls. “OH YEAH,” he yells. “BERGAMOT.”
“Oh,” he adds. “And caffeine.”
Full review at: http://sororiteasisters.com/2016/11/22/mighty-organic-earl-grey-black-tea-tea-leaf-co-2/
The rooibos and spices make up the crumbles, and the rich berries fill in the rest. There are no artificial flavors in this, and you can really tell. It’s like wandering around on a hiking trail and stuffing them into your mouth.
Listen to me talk about how I overstuff myself hiking AND at restaurants here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2016/11/19/blackberry-cobbler-pinch-geek/
Today is DEFINITELY the day to review this tea. I woke up at 6:20 this morning to help out at work. Arrived at 7:30, left at 2:30, took the dog on a long walk, and am now (3:40) settling in for a my team’s football game. Can I survive 3-4 hours of football, or will I melt into a nap-puddle under my Tardis blanket?
Find out here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2016/11/03/focus-from-blendbee-2/
It has a lot of rich, deep notes, but alongside that are coppery, bright sparkles. If I were to liken this to music, it’d be like a cello accompanied by a lovely child’s voice. Like something that one would play in a rustic church.
Full review at http://sororiteasisters.com/2016/11/02/mission-hill-black-teabox/
This tea tasted different every time I tried it, and never quite like french toast. That said, I would happily sip it while watching a Toronto Maple Leaf ice hockey game, traipsing through the Yukon territory, or practicing my français in Montreal.
full breakdown at: http://sororiteasisters.com/2016/11/01/french-toast-52teas/
This is like an orange caught on fire and someone dumped a cinnamon-licorice mint julep on it to put it out. The friend who gave this to me is a horrible monster.
I am sending a sample of this to mtchyg because I am essentially his sassy and difficult little sister. “HERE TRY THIS HORRIBLE THING” is frequently my approach to our friendship.
Flavors: Cinnamon, Citrus, Mint