I ordered the cutest tea pet from berylleb (http://www.ebay.ca/itm/321108625852?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649) for my wife for Christmas, and it came in yesterday. Oh well, she still loves her little green tea friend. And it’s so freaking cute that I immediately ordered another for myself, requesting a blue one, since she’s taking hers to work.
Included with our new tortie friend was two packages of this tea, which is wonderful. I live for milk oolongs. They are, hands-down, my favorite, so I’m super excited to try this one.
I definitely see the peach note, and then it evolves into this wonderfully creamy mouthfeel that leaves the taste of vanilla behind. It’s very, very good. I can’t wait to try this one cold.
However, I have a tin of DavidsTea’s milk oolong, and a tin of TeaVivre’s milk oolong on the way to me (hopefully), so I can’t in any way justify buying any more of this. But if I had room for it, I would be mighty tempted.
Well, my wife’s is keeping her company at work and mine will be fed daily a healthy diet of tea dregs, since I don’t tend to drink the last sip or two of my tea. Also, these torties can do tricks! He spits water at you when prepared properly lol.
The tea pets are really cute. What is the purpose of the tea pet?
Well, my wife’s is keeping her company at work and mine will be fed daily a healthy diet of tea dregs, since I don’t tend to drink the last sip or two of my tea. Also, these torties can do tricks! He spits water at you when prepared properly lol.