I love pushing a new tea to see how far it will go. Using same leaf as yesterday. I know that grosses some of you out. Sorry. Today, the tea is still smooth, but now add really creamy. It is also lighter and sweeter. I don’t know if that is the nature of the fifth cup and beyond or because the leaf sat over night. Whatever the reason, it is delicious. Bumping up my rating.
Do you find that when you leave leaves overnight they develop a metallic flavor? I think it’s oxidation. Or is this just me?
It definitely can alter the flavor profile. I have noticed a coppery taste on occasion. I’d rather believe oxidation than the crude seeping in :)
Do you find that when you leave leaves overnight they develop a metallic flavor? I think it’s oxidation. Or is this just me?
It definitely can alter the flavor profile. I have noticed a coppery taste on occasion. I’d rather believe oxidation than the crude seeping in :)
What do you mean by “crude seeping in”?
typo meant – crud as in leaves should have been thrown out yesterday.