Picked up this and the other two latte teas recently… pretty sure I got a newb tea guide because a) he forgot the tea type stickers on my bags, and b) he gave me way more tea than I asked for, which I let slide, but really didn’t want/need. I asked for 10g; he asked if 14g was ok, and then said that he probably couldn’t get exactly 10 (as if, every other tea guide can do that like a pro). I went along with it and said I just wanted two cups worth… and for the other two, he gave me massively heaping spoonfuls, to the tune of 20 and 22g. Basically double what I wanted. Clearly trying to hit some sort of sales goal, which again makes me think “new”, because I don’t get that sort of attitude from others. Anyways, what’s done is done.
So this tea. I previously remarked that it seemed to be pretty similar to Bird & Blend’s Affogatea – but it looks like that note, and a handful of others I wrote at the time, never made it to anyone’s dashboards (when your notes have 0-1 likes, it’s very telling). But yes – it was very much like an iced cappuccino, which is what this tea is also touted to be like. I think this tea might be a little more pleasant-smelling, which may simply be from a little more sweetness (there’s a bunch of apple chunks?), but very much creamy coffee. As I guessed – this tea is sweetened, which makes it different from the B&B version, which was completely unsweet (and which I found to be a problem, though certainly a preferable problem to an overly sweetened tea!) It’s also a little lighter on the coffee, but there were probably twice as many beans in my cup of Affogatea, so again, not surprising. I probably like this one better, even though I’ve only had the tiniest of sips as it’s quite hot. I’m going to add milk to it shortly, since it’s supposed to be a latte (I’m obviously not making a latte, but I think a good dose of milk will give me the gist), and will update my note at that time. Until then – reasonably pleased with the flavour here, especially since DT has had a bunch of coffee-flavoured teas that completely dropped the ball for me.
ETA: added 2% cow’s milk in a 1:4 milk:tea ratio. It’s yummy but I expected it to be. Going to put the rest in the fridge to ice, just for curiousity. This is likely my favourite of the new teas; the others didn’t really stand a chance.
ETA again: Drank the last chilled, but I think I preferred it warm. It just tasted better, and the flavours were more unified. Cold, it was more like milk + flavouring.
Hmmmthis Ishtar be worth me trying, I so rarely go into DT anymore.
IMO it was surprisingly good. Probably not keep-in-my-cupboard level good, but worth the try! I’d avoid the other two from this collection.