Bleh. Unfortunately, another bust with this tea, this time due to the anise. When I opened the packet, I was hit with an overwhelming licorice smell. I guess I had interpreted “a little” anise seed to mean just that, and was expecting it to be very mild (say, like in Butterbeer, where it was nearly indistinguishable). I drank this cup quickly, so can’t really remember any nuances in flavours, except that behind the overly present licorice flavour, there was a nice light spiced chai that I actually quite liked. I admit that I definitely did find this one easier to drink than Graveyard Mist, and when the licorice faded (it was more of an initial flavour), the cardamom and other spices left quite a nice aftertaste. Can’t say I’ve ever had brandy, so I have no idea if it was true in flavour to that…
Also, there was a weird smell emanating from the bag when I opened it, and the tea when freshly brewed. It was a familiar non-food aroma, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. My roommate said it reminded her of play make-up she used to use as a child, but I don’t think that’s what I’m getting.
Anyways, do not pick this one up if you have an aversion to licoricey aromas/flavours or chais (stupid Autocorrect tried to correct that to “chaos” three times!) but for those of you who do like such flavours, I imagine it’s quite good! Rating withheld because of a hated ingredient and therefore heavy bias.
Funny, autocorrect always tries to capitalize the word “chai” for me. It’s not chai, it’s Chai! Silly human! (At least, that’s what I imagine it saying). ;)
Hahaha, one of the biggest annoyances for me with autocorrect is when I’m trying to say I’m working in the lab, and it autocorrects to LAN. (Perhaps I’m actually typing lan to begin with, but…. it doesn’t need to capitalize it! i do know btw what LAN stands for, but still…)
I thought about getting this one and am now glad I didn’t considering my dislike for licorice.
Funny, autocorrect always tries to capitalize the word “chai” for me. It’s not chai, it’s Chai! Silly human! (At least, that’s what I imagine it saying). ;)
Hahaha, one of the biggest annoyances for me with autocorrect is when I’m trying to say I’m working in the lab, and it autocorrects to LAN. (Perhaps I’m actually typing lan to begin with, but…. it doesn’t need to capitalize it! i do know btw what LAN stands for, but still…)
Local Area Network. Basically, it just means WIFI, I think. Like when I was a gamer in college, we would have “LAN parties,” which meant that everyone would bring over their laptops and game in the same room.