Happy Kombucha? Is this tea supposed to make me happy? I could certainly use a good dose of happy right now… major grad student woes XD
Anyhow, the dry tea smells deliciously fruity and juicy, with almost a slight hint of chemical (aka fakey smell). But sometimes I just find that dried fruit gets that way (sulphites??), so am not too worried yet. The peachy fruitiness is too enticing.
The steeped tea? A bit of a different story…. I am hardly smelling anything anymore, just a hint of muted fruitiness and that’s about it. How strange (and disappointing). I am slightly concerned that the water was too hot – I’m at work and have no means of measuring water temperature, so just boiled the water and let it cool for a few minutes.
First taste is… not so good. Definitely tasting an odd chemically flavour and maybe I’m catching a bit of pineapple with a mango-y aftertaste, but it’s not very obvious and tastes a little funky. Also not tasting any oolong (although apparently I’m more familiar with light/green oolongs, not brown? I need to do some more tea reading). Unfortunately, the tea is too hot for me right now, and I’m headed to a meeting in a couple minutes, so won’t get back to it until it’s cold, but my hopes have kind of been dashed. Sad :(
Hmm, a few more too-hot sips, and I definitely think I’m getting pineapple, and really am not a fan. Strange, because I think I’ve had pineapple in numerous DT offerings before and thoroughly enjoyed it, although perhaps it just blended in with other flavours instead of standing out on its own.
Ok, finishing this up later…
ETA: Wow… this is not a tea for me. It’s kind of gross cold, and reminiscent of Forbidden Fruit (although I definitely liked that one more). The mango and fruitiniess are weak, and I’m not sure the oolong base and I are agreeing. Either way, I have the rest of a small bag to change my mind, but with so many other tasty options…
To be fair, I should probably resteep this one, as it is an oolong and they apparently taste better in subsequent steepings… No rating until I’ve properly checked the steeping temperature though.