A friend gave a sample pack of this tea to me for my birthday, and I was of mixed opinions. Pumpkin pie is not my most favourite thing in the world. But I do like chai. Anyways, I have no choice now but to try it, which I’m always game for anyways!
I have to admit, the dry leaf smells pretty amazing. It absolutely SCREAMS holidays to me, and takes my mind to a fabulous Christmassy place (even though I associate pumpkin pie with Thanksgiving, which is not usually white and snowy). I can’t figure out what exactly the smell is, though – it’s not quite like the pumpkin pie my mom makes, it’s more like… pumpkin bread? Pumpkin muffins? Either way. Yum.
Surprise, surprise, the steeped tea smells even MORE like pumpkin bread/muffins. It now has a kind of “baked goods” scent about it, and the spicing has been turned down a bit, but it still smells delicious. Please, Pumpkin Chai, be one of those teas whose flavour is faithful to its smell…
Holy crap. It’s like I’m drinking a piece of pumpkin bread! Real pumpkin is the first flavour I can taste, followed by the delicious spicing appearing at the end of the sip. Ahhhhhhh, why didn’t this taste so good the first time I tried it, so I could have gone and bought a big tin of it? Maybe there’s still some left… somewhere. (Intermission while I check the DavidsTea site… and yep, they still have it. Whew!)
Seriously. I am quite impressed. Definitely tasting the cinnamon as the dominant spice, but it’s mellow and delicious. Why oh why do I already have so many chais to get through??
ETA: Second steep smells considerably weaker, and tastes much the same. A bit disappointing, but I will live. Perhaps 5 minutes of steeping wasn’t long enough!