Yeah, so this tea didn’t really cut it for me, despite how delicious it smelled in the bag. I used a teaspoon and a bit for eight oz of water, added in a very small dash of cream and a few pieces of rock sugar. I could definitely taste a bit of tartness that was distantly reminiscent of apple, and couldn’t really detect the caramel or spice at all. Of course I’ll throw in the blurb about how it might not be the tea, it might be me, my bad brewing, bla bla bla, but yeah, just not ultimately inspired by this one. I don’t know what i was expecting, but it wasn’t this. I finished the cup—it’s not like it was horrible or anything. It just wasn’t anything special, and I just can’t find words to describe why. It just wasn’t. Wow, look at me being verbose.
Now, all of this pretty much doesn’t matter at the moment because my friend who travelled to the UK just e-mailed me to let me know that she picked up my Mariage Freres teas! The de Lune, and marco Polo! I can’t wait to get my hands and nose all over that package as soon as she gets back!