Followed by 28 Tea Drinkers

TeaEqualsBliss 1788 followers

Near Vegan. Tea Lover. Yoga. Crafter. Music. Sports. Travel. Radio. ...

TeaisforTara 47 followers

I’ve been in love with tea since I discovered the awesomeness of loose-leaf t...

ashmanra 735 followers

I am a music teacher, tutor, and former homeschool mom (25 years!) who starte...

KeenTeaThyme 396 followers

Hello fellow tea fans! I’ve been a tea enthusiast for years but just recently...

Patty L 6 followers

Jet-setting mezzo

Uniquity 553 followers

I’ve been drinking loose tea since 2010 and my tastes have changed a lot over...

Daddyselephant 311 followers

Formerly aisling of tea, now you can call me ele . “You can forgive a murder,...

Nurvilya 20 followers



Age 2 – Stealing sips of orange pekoe from my Grandpa’s cup.

Age 4 – Being spoiled by my Nanny with my own cups of tea.

Age 13 – A mug of camomile from my mother to accompany a good book.

Age 17 – Strong black tea with milk and too much sugar to wake me up for school.

Age 18 – A tea (or five) a day keeps the doctor away.

Age 19 – Exploration and experimentation. With loose leaf teas at “Un amour des thés” in Montréal.

Age 22 – I embrace DavidsTeas with open arms.


Laval, Québec

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