I have Genmaicha blends from Harney & Sons. Golden Genmaicha, Matcha Iri Genmaicha, Duck Rice Genmaicha and Genmaicha.
Of the four, I like this one best. Having said that the Hojicha overpowers the popped rice taste but it’s still tasty. I prefer writing positive reviews and just rate bad teas. I think that darn message my parents beat into my head is still there… If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say it. lol Not that any of these were bad. This was just my favorite of the four.
I brewed it in a gaiwan 4g, 140ml, at 1 min, 30 sec and then 1min 30 secs. I poured boiling water into a warmed cha hai then quickly transfered the water into the gaiwan so I’m guessing it’s about 203F.
The aroma of the dry tea is roasted, nutty, sunflowery, pleasant. Some coffee notes in the aroma, the roasted smell. The brew is very nice, not bitter (two of the three I mentioned above were bitter so I’ll have to drop the temperature way lower for H&S genmaicha >.<). The liquid was medium brown and had a very mellow taste, smooth, not bitter, nutty. Nice and naturally sweet notes of molasses, burnt sugar, caramel notes.
Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Caramel, Molasses, Nutty, Smooth
Cameron B. Yes, it’s more of a richer rice flavor, more smooth, less bitter than their regular genmaicha. I’d buy the duck one over the regular from now on. :) I like it. ^^
Was the Duck Rice one noticeably different from regular genmaicha?
Cameron B. Yes, it’s more of a richer rice flavor, more smooth, less bitter than their regular genmaicha. I’d buy the duck one over the regular from now on. :) I like it. ^^
Of the four, my least favorite was their regular Genmaicha. I think I just need to play around with it a bit to find a decent temperature/time maybe.