85 Tasting Notes

drank Yumberry Wulong Oolong by Teavana
85 tasting notes

This tea was the greatest disappointment I’ve ever had with a tea. No matter how I tried brewing it, the fruit flavor just seemed diluted and instead there was just some light vegetal taste. Please, do not spend your time, energy, or money on trying this tea. It is not “yumberry” but more luck “noberry” or “blandberry.” Wow this tea made me grouchy today!

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I’m so glad that I read your review before I bought this one! I thought it sounded interesting, but it’s off the list now.

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Blending these teas is genius! The MateVana is this wonderfully smooth chocolatey-nutty tea, and the Rooibos Chai has a nice cinnamon flavor that is not overpowering. Together, they make one heck of a tea during the winter. I like to fill my cast iron pot with it and drink it while studying for hours; the caffeine in the mate and the cinnamon kick really keeps me up and going. Even after the tea cools it is still great!

I like a light cinnamon surprise in the tea, so for 16oz I make 2tsp of MateVana with 1tsp Rooibos chai and 1tsp of rock sugar. Both of the teas are very reasonably priced as well. Magnifique!

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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drank Strawberry Paraiso by Teavana
85 tasting notes

This tea is great iced – you can really taste the strawberries in it cold. I also pick up on this smooth caramel undertone in the tea, which may be due to the popcorn in the tea but I’m not sure. I initially tried this tea blended with Rooibos Sweet Amore from Teavana and that was a nice blend but it is very refreshing on its own on a hot summer day. I tried steeping the leaves twice and it had an odd taste, so this tea is good for one infusion but that infusion is well worth it!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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drank Gyokuro Imperial by Teavana
85 tasting notes

I’m rather new to the green tea scene, but I know that this tea blew me away. If brewed with care, this tea has this incredible vegetal taste that is not overpowering but actually pretty smooth. The leaves are this beautiful dark green color that leave the tea almost a vibrant greenish-yellow. It is good with rock sugar but I prefer it with Teavana’s Organic Volcano White Honey. I also like it hot or iced. I haven’t had the heart to try it blended with other types of tea since I enjoy it so much alone, but I bet it would make interesting blends. Despite the higher price tag, I’ve been able to re-use the tea 3 times, with later steeps tasting better than the first.

170 °F / 76 °C 0 min, 45 sec

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drank Blueberry Bliss Rooibos by Teavana
85 tasting notes

I really enjoy this tea in the summer since it blends well with a lot of other teas to make delicious iced teas. I’ve steeped it with Pineapple Kona Pop in 8oz of water for 10 minutes, 2 tsp of rock sugar and add 8oz of ice and it is fantastic! It is great with Teavana’s Lemon Lime Kampai Rooibos and Wild Orange Blossom, brewed the same as previously stated. Steeping it for 10 minutes in these blends did not taste bitter to me at all, and this tea seems pretty versatile for experimenting with other fruity blends if you like variety. The tea also wasn’t bad hot, but it is so refreshing iced that I prefer it iced.

Boiling 8 min or more

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I like tea. A lot.


Colorado Springs, CO

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