One of my teas from Sil.
Sigh. Well, I got picked for jury duty. At least tomorrow I’ll kind of have an idea of where I’m going vs. today, when it was just little old me and huge, confusing downtown.
But for right now I’m home relaxing, and tea sounded perfect. This was a white tea and I’ve had enough caffeine for today, so between that and the convenience factor of it being a bagged tea I was sold.
Steeped at the below parameters, with no additives.
This brews up a pale to mid orange color, no doubt because of the peach. It certainly smells peachy – a nice natural fruity peach, nothing artificial. The vanilla/cream aspect is very subdued. This holds true for the taste as well – it’s peachy first and foremost with a smooth creamy finish. I really don’t taste any white tea, but I imagine any notes of hay that would be present are drowned out by the fruity sweetness of the peach.
As someone who doesn’t drink white teas very much, I’m surprised by how much I like this. I still have one more bag left courtesy of Sil, and part of me thinks it would be REALLY nice to try iced. Hmm…I may give it a shot but really, it was pretty darn good hot.
Thanks again for sending some my way, Sil!
yay for trying new random teas! :)