Peaches and Cream

Tea type
White Tea
Natural Flavours, White Tea
Cream, Peach
Sold in
Bulk, Sachet
Not available
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Edit tea info Last updated by nouveau-tea
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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33 Tasting Notes View all

  • “Thank you Lala! One of the wonderful teas i got in my swaps today that I had to try asap because it’s an “exclusive to chapters” for mother’s day so I needed to know if i had to get my other half...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown! 853… Yes, you read that right. I’ve tallied up everything now and am officially over 850 :( Here’s hoping I can make short work of that… July 1 goal: 750. Anyhow! Thanks to Sil for giving...” Read full tasting note
  • “Another Sipdown, & although the dry tea smells wonderful, I don’t really find the cup of tea particularly interesting. Plus, there is a weird after taste. Oh well, you can’t love them all I...” Read full tasting note
  • “Thanks to Indigobloom for the sample here. I’ve been trying to rev up my immune system and have been drinking a lot of herbs. I wanted to try this for a change of place, sounded lovely. It’s odd I...” Read full tasting note

From Sloane Tea Company

A beautiful blend of white tea infused with the natural sweetness of peach and finished with a vanilla top note.

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33 Tasting Notes

15588 tasting notes

Thank you Lala! One of the wonderful teas i got in my swaps today that I had to try asap because it’s an “exclusive to chapters” for mother’s day so I needed to know if i had to get my other half to pick some up for me…because i’m not allowed to buy tea until June lol that’s no cheating…riiight?

So, some of you will know, i’m not the biggest fan of white teas. I find the vast majority of them to be too lightly flavoured for me to enjoy them. This tea though? it’s wonderful! For starters, the dry smell of this is amaaaazing! it really is candied peaches and cream as Lala mentioned.

The brewed tea? It’s creamy and peachy and delicious! I really do need to pick up…er get my other half to surprise me with this random tea as a present! lol This is one of those flavoured teas to be enjoyed and savoured. I do wonder how it would fare cold brewed….

2 min, 0 sec

Just reading your review makes my mouth water for this tea! So good! Glad you enjoyed it.


…they have a new tea that’s not exclusive – almond truffle. So tempting, especially since i also really wanted to try the chocolate truffle exclusive one at chapters.

Terri HarpLady

They both sound awesome to me!

Terri HarpLady

Looking at the Sloane page…I want to place an order!


Terri – don’t do it! They often have sales at the pop up shop here for holidays and such so worse case, i can buy some for you to save some money! For whatever reason their sales never seem to translate to the website unless it’s like the gift boxes. Did i send you some of the oolong creme and the perfectly pear that i have?

Terri HarpLady

I’ll check the box in the morning, but I don’t think so. So. Many of them sound SO yummy…but don’t worry, I’m not falling off the wagon…Yet!


Crap. Stop reviewing teas that sound good!


Haha – never kittenna! You should see the lovely treats I received today from everyone :)


Augh, Sil! XD I looked up ‘white tea’ on Chapter’s website, and now as you can see I’ve looked up tasting notes. And now I’m tempted to buy it. XD

Terri HarpLady

Sil: Just remembered to check the box, no oolong creme or perfectly pear. We’ll just have to plan another swap after our ordering binge in June ;)


I’ve also looked up the tea on the Chapter’s website! Now I have more sale racks to cruise whenever I’m downtown!


Terri – yay good to know
Omg and chiz – sorry about that….I’m actually watching inventory on this one now that I’ve had it to get my other half to get me a single tin if the stock drops. When its gone, its gone. Though maybe ill be able to resist and just think about the almond truffle one for June….

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6119 tasting notes

Sipdown! 853… Yes, you read that right. I’ve tallied up everything now and am officially over 850 :( Here’s hoping I can make short work of that… July 1 goal: 750.

Anyhow! Thanks to Sil for giving up one of her precious Peaches and Cream teabags. :) I was dying of curiosity about it given the rave reviews!

Steeped it up this morning before I head off to the Farmer’s Market. Haven’t slept yet, but I did try. Sigh. Stupid sleep schedule. But yes, back to the tea. I didn’t look up any brewing parameters beforehand, so just went with my standard 90C/2 min infusion for white teas (heh, I’ve noticed that I pretty much standardly brew all teas aside from oolongs for 2 minutes now. Greens, whites, blacks. Oolongs (green ones) get 3 minutes usually; dark ones I go with given parameters or 1 min). Uh yes. Back to the tea. I’m rambly this morning. I didn’t really get a good whiff of the aroma as I had other teas brewing and just didn’t bother to separate out the cup, but it smelled a bit peachy and vegetal to me. Flavourwise, I’m getting light peach (makes me think white peach), with a gentle, somewhat vegetal white base. No astringency, so it’s very smooth. Definitely a bit on the creamy side, but I think I wanted more of both the creaminess and the peach. I don’t think that a longer infusion would have helped either of those; this tea is probably just meant to be somewhat subtle.

Overall, I am definitely not as taken with this tea as other people have been, which is perfectly ok with me. I still haven’t found a great peachy tea – though Peach HoppiTea minus the hops might make a good case for it. This one’s definitely tasty though, just not one I’d be too likely to stock up on (especially given the price!)

ETA: Meh… really didn’t care for the second infusion. Lowering the rating… I don’t think this is a tea I need to drink again.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

100 teas in 30 days, providing you don’t get more anytime soon. I believe in you!


Thanks! :D That’s only 3-4 sip downs a day, which is manageable on average. The only teas I should be getting during June will be a few from DavidsTea, as I haven’t yet picked up the summer collection or three of the TOTMS, plus my 3 from the Amoda box, but I think I’ll be ok even with those added. But it will definitely be tough! Hopefully I can wrangle another few yet tonight :D
(Lucky for me, even if I place an online order, I’m unlikely to actually get the teas until July because Sil will probably have them! Hehe.)


Are most of them samples? If so, then it should be a piece of cake! I haven’t touched DT in a while, but would like to pick some up too. The convenience makes it hard to ignore.

Sil will be the one to press the reset button haha.


Most (2/3?) of them are less than 1 oz., probably most of those less than 0.5 oz. There are definitely enough 1-cup samples for me to get down 100 teas though. Or if I have to extend into 2-cup samples, it should still be ok. I run into problems with having to resteep sometimes, though! Still have two Verdant oolongs sitting and waiting for me to finish with them.

Sigh. That Sil….


Exciting. 100 teas in a month. It’ll be fun to see how you do.

Hope the teas I’m sending you don’t hurt you too badly! :P


Haha, hopefully I’ll be ok! :D I should really bring down some 1-cup samples right now to get started… hahaha.


I love 1 cup samples. :) I’ve got a tiny little shoe box just for those!


I should really organize things like that, but I almost prefer not knowing exactly how much tea I have…. hahahaha. That way I can make assumptions like above :D


Hahah. I’m afraid to see how you’ve got yours organized! I have mine organized broadly by type, and then my little sipdown box that I force myself to dig through and drink up periodically!


Mine is in cardboard boxes (like, the ones I received the tea in), organized by tea company or swapper. Some tea companies are in the same box, some take up two boxes (e.g. 52teas). At the very least it makes things relatively easy to find (except that I also have some teas that never made it back to the right box when I moved… sigh.)


:P Whatever works! I think that would drive me crazy but when I’m craving tea I narrow it down by type instead of by company. But who am I to judge! Haha. I think not knowing exactly how much tea you have is safer for your sanity!

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3294 tasting notes

Another Sipdown, & although the dry tea smells wonderful, I don’t really find the cup of tea particularly interesting. Plus, there is a weird after taste. Oh well, you can’t love them all I guess. :)


I love the tin !

Terri HarpLady

Yeha, the tin IS lovely!

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2816 tasting notes

Thanks to Indigobloom for the sample here. I’ve been trying to rev up my immune system and have been drinking a lot of herbs. I wanted to try this for a change of place, sounded lovely. It’s odd I can’t find this on their website anymore, was it discontinued?

This is a sachet teabag and brews up to be a light brown in color. As I out my nose to the cup I am getting aromas of toasted marshmallow – weird. The flavor is slightly peachy but in an artificial way and kind of falls flat somehow. I don’t really get cream. I’m not really a fan but maybe we know why it was axed…

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I think it was limited edition. That is so strange that it would taste like that, I wonder if it lost flavour in transit… cuz out of the tin the scent is so strong its almost like perfume, and tastes kindof like juice(in concentration anyhow). Hmmm.


don’t know, maybe it was just my tastebuds!


Everyone is different so who knows. Plus, I have a feeling it doesn’t travel well. A friend just told me that the one she had at her cottage was kinda different from the one we shared at my place.

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1598 tasting notes

Sipdown! (155) – I decided to keep displaying my numbers when I do a sipdown so I can stay focused on bring that back down to a reasonable number!

I’m usually always in the mood for a black tea, but this was perfect for the afternoon. It smells like peaches and it tastes like cream. I think I’d be interested in getting this in the future but only if I manage to find it in some crazy sale like Sil did. :)

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 45 sec

Welcome to the accountability club! Reminding myself of my number when I do a sip down (or add teas) has really helped me regain control of my stash


Glad to hear! I wasn’t sure if it’d be useful or not, but I know when I’m trying to be careful with money I do a better job when I’m watching every purchase. :P

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871 tasting notes

So while I was drinking this tea, I was dreaming up my tasting note and what I was going to write because it is so awesome. But first I needed to take the laundry out of the washer. And guess what, the entire basement is backed up with laundry water. Thankfully not a sewer back up but nothing is draining down the sewer. Yuck. Now waiting for roto-rooter so I can pay them double time becuase it is the weekend. And I have never had sewer problems. Hrmph!

So lets see if this tea can make it better. First of all, the whole presentation of the tea is awesome. Awesome packaging, awesome tin, awesome smell, awesome looking dry tea, awesome that it is a Canadian company (Ontario), the price not so awesome – but I am sure I will get over that.

The smell of the dry tea is like candied peaches and cream. The brewed tea smells the same. The tea tastes like delicious peaches and cream. Fresh, fruity and delightful. It is a white tea base, so it is very light.

I bought this and there were 4 teas in a sample pack. Can’t wait to try the others!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

this has made me want to go get the other mother’s day blends. Annoys me i can’t purchase them through sloane though…has to be at chapters and the 4 pack only has 2 of the new teas! bah! but i’m thinking maybe i’ll get this one and the caramel black…as a treat. lol


I am definitely impressed, great quality of tea. If you go on the Sloane website, you can look up places close to you that sell it, lots in Ontario. But I know some of their blends are exclusive to Indigo/Chapters.


Yeah the Mother’s Day ones are chapters exclusives. So I know where I’m going tomorrow lol

Miss Starfish

Ugh, flooding is so horrible! I hope things are fixed and drying out by now? Tea wise, this sounds absolutely delicious. Did you buy the sample pack from Chapters or Sloane?


you can’t get them except at chapters for this particular sampler. lesigh at least that’s my understanding


Basement is all good now. Unread out to be a tree root in the city party of the sewer line. I didn’t have any back up, just nothing going down. Now the fight with the city begins for who gets to pay the bill.
Yes bought the sample pack at chapters. Sloane made some specific blends that are only exclusives to indigo and chapters. The peaches and cream was one of them, so if the Mother’s Day tea I guess.

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863 tasting notes

One of my teas from Sil.

Sigh. Well, I got picked for jury duty. At least tomorrow I’ll kind of have an idea of where I’m going vs. today, when it was just little old me and huge, confusing downtown.

But for right now I’m home relaxing, and tea sounded perfect. This was a white tea and I’ve had enough caffeine for today, so between that and the convenience factor of it being a bagged tea I was sold.

Steeped at the below parameters, with no additives.

This brews up a pale to mid orange color, no doubt because of the peach. It certainly smells peachy – a nice natural fruity peach, nothing artificial. The vanilla/cream aspect is very subdued. This holds true for the taste as well – it’s peachy first and foremost with a smooth creamy finish. I really don’t taste any white tea, but I imagine any notes of hay that would be present are drowned out by the fruity sweetness of the peach.

As someone who doesn’t drink white teas very much, I’m surprised by how much I like this. I still have one more bag left courtesy of Sil, and part of me thinks it would be REALLY nice to try iced. Hmm…I may give it a shot but really, it was pretty darn good hot.

Thanks again for sending some my way, Sil!

180 °F / 82 °C 2 min, 30 sec

yay for trying new random teas! :)

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790 tasting notes

Whoops. I forgot this was a white. I think my steeping method at work isn’t really made for delicate teas. I may have steeped all the flavor out of it. :( Ah well. Thanks for sending it along anyway, Sil!


haha no worries lol

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836 tasting notes

1 tablespoon for 300 ml

A little astringency. Melon-hay note. Faint peachy-ness.

Rating: 62

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 30 sec

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1908 tasting notes

This tea brews up surprisingly dark for white tea, and I was worried that it would end up being harsh. However despite the appearance the tea base was still quite smooth with a slight vegetal tone to it. The peach flavour wasn’t as distinctive as I thought it would be from the smell of the dry leaves, although the tea still had a pleasant fruity taste that I enjoyed. This might be another blend that would be good as an iced tea.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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