34 Tasting Notes
Dry, this tea smells great, very fruity and yummy scented. Once steeped it really is like a real fruit punch not those artificial ones you buy and is just a little bit tangy which I think is great! If you enjoy tropical fruits and/or fruit punch you’re sure to enjoy this.
This reminds me of DAVIDsTEA’s banana nut bread from the last autumn collection. And it tastes similar just with the addition of some very nice coconut notes and a hint of the apple and nuttiness. I prefer this much more than the banana nut bread, it’s well balanced and very tasty!
Just went out and bought most of the teas from the Spring collection today. I tried this one first and when I steeped it up, I took literally one sip and I knew right away it was great! I don’t know what it is but I really enjoy oolongs and adding coconut to it is just combining two totally delicious factors. It is light, quite creamy, and not too sweet (and not bitter either!). It is very delicious and the coconut is very nicely present. If you like coconut and oolong I don’t see why you won’t love this. Give it a try :)
This one is as said in the description, light and piney with a little spice and other fun things. I find it very slightly resembles Quangzhou Milk Oolong (A great one if you haven’t tried it!) but I wouldn’t say they are similar, just a few notes the same (because they’re both oolong obviously) This tea has a very mild gentle calm taste which is what I like sometimes so I quite enjoy it. I sort of agree with Canadianadia where there is an increasing bitterness as it goes on, what I found was there was a little bitterness in the middle of my cup (just slight so it didn’t bother me any) but in the top & bottom it was fine and delicious! I will be buying more of this.
I’ve never had Pu-erh tea before so I figured I’d try this. Dry, it smells amazing, just like those chocolate oranges you get at christmas time. Steeped, it smells really odd and a bit off. The taste however, isn’t bad, it’s not as full bodied as I expected (by comparing it to the dry smell) but it tastes alright and would be nice in the morning or nighttime.
This tea smells and tastes great! Also, it really does have the warming effect it is supposed to have, whether it’s just a placebo on my part is undetermined but its provides me a slight feeling of warmth and haapiness, and it’s just overall a delicious feel good tea. The first smell is a spiced almost fruity gentle fragrance. Steeped, it’s a nice mellow colour and tastes pretty good! I do not like strong spice by any means AT ALL, but this is gently spiced and well blended for a great causal sipping moment. Highly reccommended & caffeine free, great for any time!
Let me start out by saying I was shocked by the sheer price of this tea! At over $6 for 25g I couldn’t believe it, but it sounded interesting and I wanted to try it. Let me tell you, it’s worth EVERY penny of it! This is creamy and buttery with this great high quality oolong mixed in perfectly as well as a tiny hint of floral something or other. No clue how it’s so smooth and creamy because it’s only oolong nothing else, but it is GREAT! Just don’t steep it too long – it’s naturally a slight bit sour/bitter so keep your steeping about 3-5 mins and you’re set for a huge treat! I don’t care if it’s $24 for a 100g tin,I will likely get one! YUM :D
This reminds me of taking shots, or at least how other people do it (I don’t drink so…) What I mean is it tastes really odd, and you are thinking it’s disgusting, but the more you drink the better it is (or seems anyways) It’s got a really odd strong fruit flavour. It’s oneof those ones that is so different and crazy that I may grow to like it (or hate it)… I have 26g to decide, we’ll see. Try at your own risk if you like crazy concoctions.
Read this in the tea book and thought it sounded great! Went in and smelled it and did it ever smell “fun”. It tastes just as good as it smells! It’s a nice, mild, calm, fruity blend. It’s not overwhelming at all and is slightly cooling like they say. Very delicious!
Unlike some other teas, the fruit here being pineapple is definitely present. The pineapple is a little tart, but if you add a little sweetener it’s actually quite yummy! :). The apricot it also there but it’s not very strong, nonetheless it all makes for an interesting combination worth trying!