drank Passion by Tazo
343 tasting notes

Ahhh Tazo Passion, when you want something thirst quenching after sitting in a hot car running errands. Perfection. I just finished a box but I have another on backup when they went on sale at the grocery store a few months ago. I think I just guzzled through 32oz in 20 minutes. I added a touch of sweetener but I usually enjoy this without, even with the tartness.

Obviously, I take this iced.
1 bag per 16oz of boiling water and then into a pitcher and in the fridge.

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I recently discovered loose leaf tea and am already addicted (much to my husband’s dismay)! I prefer fruity teas iced and savory teas hot. Looking forward to drinking and chatting.

Some likes/dislikes I’ve been noticing:

Fruity White Teas
lighters Blacks
Most Oolongs (especially greener varieties)
dessert teas
tisanes iced that don’t require added sweetener

Spicy flavors unless in chai
astringent black teas
heavy ginger teas
teas with licorice (as primary ingredients – somehow I like some where the licorice is in the back drop)
heavily oxidized oolongs

For my own reference, I’m only placing “full size” teas in my cupboard.



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