drank Jumpy Monkey by DAVIDsTEA
92 tasting notes

Second day of the Advent Calander. Coffee Tea? YES. Get in my face quickly.

Once steeped the coffee element is a lot more subtle then I’d expected it to be. I’ve only had Yerba Mate once or twice, and a good while ago so I didn’t know what kind of flavor I’d get there. I enjoyed the flavor over all quite a bit, and so did my husband who rarely agrees with me on anything when it comes to tea.

The one thing I will say, I’ve heard Yerba Mate is energizing and I got none of that from this tea. I drank it in the evening and it did nothing to give me a refresh. In fact I dozed off halfway through the glass, finished it upon waking up, and went straight to sleep.

Flavors: Coffee

Boiling 4 min, 15 sec 1 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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Detroiter, tea drinker, fangirl pagan. Ask away.

Interested in trying any and all teas I haven’t tried. Variety is the spice of life and the bane of my existance. If I have the tea to trade, I’m more then willing to swap.

Loves : Flavored Blacks, Honeybushs, Roobios and Herbals
On the fence : Greens
Dislikes : Smokey teas or really grassy green teas. If I want to taste grass clippings I’ll eat guacomole, not drink something thanks.



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