I got this from the Pass the Stash Teabox. I took it mainly because I’ve not had much of a chance to deal with Mate’s in general, and I’m hoping to find more wake up options then just plain old coffee.
Let me say, first impression is I have had liquor smell less boozy then this stuff does in the bag. I’m hoping this is like 52teas where it has a lot of scent but the flavor isn’t the same strength because if this tastes like that we’ve got a problem.
Alright I’ve tasted it an I really don’t mind it. I may have underleafed it though because I get coconut and hot water pretty much. And after I pulled my steeper out, it looked like what I had put in was cut in half so maybe it had fluffed up some in the bag? I don’t hate this but I’m glad I have more to give it another go. The good news is Tiesta Tea is sold at Meijer by me so if I like it as a coffee alternative I can get it easily.
Flavors: Coconut