Martin sent a beautiful little packet of these leaves my way—the kind that are so long you can’t get them on a spoon properly, so you have to guess at proportions just a bit. With new-to-me teas, I tend to err on the side of “don’t overdo it,” so my first cup of these beauties was a touch on the light side, but still malty and sweet.

I’m convinced that this will hold up well to longer and slightly more heavy-handed treatment.

Martin Bednář

Ehh, I had it yesterday too and I thought I have overleafed; but actually, nope. I think it is light tea on its own.


I did kind of a sloppy grandpa steep today: popped in some new leaves with the old ones from yesterday, steeped a cup, and iced it down. The flavor still wasn’t overly strong, but it held up well.

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Martin Bednář

Ehh, I had it yesterday too and I thought I have overleafed; but actually, nope. I think it is light tea on its own.


I did kind of a sloppy grandpa steep today: popped in some new leaves with the old ones from yesterday, steeped a cup, and iced it down. The flavor still wasn’t overly strong, but it held up well.

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Steepster “geezer;” tea barbarian who has no systematic method for storage, preparation, classification, or rating; lover of strong unleaded builders’ tea. Never quite grew up—I cut and glue, play with Legos, design kids’ curriculum, and play with fifth graders every Sunday.


Southwest Missouri

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