This was a free sample with an order from Keen Tea Thyme — check out her, by the by, there are a lot of yummy things there.
I generally don’t notice a very strong fruit flavor in Adagio’s teas, and this blend is no exception. Still, it’s a pleasant combination of vanilla and peach, and with a little something to sweeten it, it makes for a great dessert tea. I can’t see myself going out of my way to get more, but I’m glad I got to try it!
Thanks for the free promo. :) I plan on trying to make this myself for my shop. (I’m imagining a two-year-old saying, “Do myself.” :) )
Thanks for the free promo. :) I plan on trying to make this myself for my shop. (I’m imagining a two-year-old saying, “Do myself.” :) )
You should! Peaches and cream is a combo that’s just perfect for tea.
It’s one even the (overly picky) hubby will try. ;) Coming soon to a Keen Tea Thyme shop near you…