As far as fandom blends go, this tea is tough to top in terms of perfectly capturing the character. It’s the most unusual tea I’ve ever had and it’s a bit of an acquired taste, but as I sip through each mug I become more and more fond of it.
It’s definitely floral — aggressively so, it’s not subtle at all and people who dislike jasmine and lavender should stay far away from this tea. I’ve never had gunabana before but it definitely adds a nice fruity taste buried under the flowers. Unfortunately for me, the bergamot of the earl grey is also easy to taste, and that’s what made me knock off a point. If you like florals AND fruit AND bergamot, you will want to marry this tea.
By the by, the taste of the base is completely hidden by the other flavors, so I really like the fact that it’s partially rooibos. Many of Adagio’s black teas seem to have too much caffeine for my taste, so as a black and rooibos blend this is ideal.
Too bad this is a black tea blend, otherwise I would buy some!