135 Tasting Notes
Brewing now! Smells like Banana Laffy Taffy. Strange… usually gives me a headache. First few sips I can’t taste butter or bread. Sweet on its own. No need for sugar. Might need some creamer. On its own I’d give it a 75….
But there we go! That’s all it needed! Bump that business UP! Terribly tasty. I can taste the butter now. It mellowed out the laffy taffy sweetness. This is much less of a headache. Thanks ASHLEY for the sample!
Sample time. Some fruits are meant to be eaten with cream. This is one, and so I brew it with cream and sugar :) The smell is really grabbing at my nose. Tasty and smooth. The strawberry doesn’t overpower the tea at all and it actually blends wonderfully.
Totes yummy! Nice with a splash of cream. Nice and spicy. The smell is not inviting before steeping. It just bothers me, so I hadn’t had any in a while. I remember loving it though!
Glad I stepped up and brewed it again. I put some coconut bits in it before steeping. Om yom nom.
Thanks ASHLEY for this sample! My house is full of peaches this week so peach tea seemed like a great idea! Also: just got back from swimming, and I haven’t been swimming in years and years. I need sustenance and comfort!
Nervous! I see red! I see hibiscus! I don’t much care for hibiscus, but lets give this a go. It smells scrumptious so that’s comforting.
Sipping time. In the past I’ve found hibiscus to be tart and nasty. But this mixes nicely with the peach. Do I taste cinnamon? This could be a nice bagged tea for work. I’ve been considering picking this up for a while. Thanks again Ashley!
Ahh. One of my old favorites that I’ve been buying for years and years. I do add a good spoonful of sweetener to balance out the tart. But it’s just one of those homey teas that brings back good memories that I turn to when I’m in need of some comfort. Not to mention I’m a huge sucker for peaches and cinnamon. Mmm. Glad you’re enjoying your samples!
I’ve never rated a tea at 100……. This is beautiful. I can taste the icing. I can taste the cinnamon. The sugar… the….. Carbs! As a fatty pants on a diet, and a carboholic, I can’t tell you how happy this makes me. Ashley, you’re an angel for sending me yours sample. Frank is a God for making this.
No cream. Pinch of sugar. I’m all smiles over here. This NEEDS to be permanent. I’ve never bought a pound of tea… I’d buy a pound of this… maybe two.
HEY I have an idea. Since I am equally obsessed, what if I talked to Franky about us splitting a pound? Each paying for half?
Although he really should consider making this a permanent; he’d make bookoo bucks.
But you still have to try this with a splash of some sort of creamer. AGHHhhh to die for. Crap I need to go make a cup right now. What I really love is that it’s naturally caffeine free, and I have to watch my caffeine intake because of my over active heartbeat. It really is a God send. haha.
Dr Who! S2E5! So yummziez! Wasn’t great until it cooled down, started out bitter and mellowed out though. The cashew gives it a creamy characteristic. I really need to save some of this for Fall and Winter. Perfect cozy up by the fire tea!