166 Tasting Notes


My Butiki order came today and I went straight for this one because I had sampled it once before and had good memories. It is just fantastic. Leaf hopper teas are all great in my experience. I’m going to try to put a full review in later, but others have described it very well-honey, pastry, waffles. I am already thinking I will have to order it again before Stacy runs out!

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Yum! I just ordered more!

Terri HarpLady

yeah, I’m due for a butiki order…


Don’t miss this one Little Terri will be mad!


I second that! Better get some Terri!

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I’ve reviewed this previously and am having it again tonight. So delicious. Every time I have it, I like it better and better!

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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I have not had a single flavored matcha from Red Leaf that I haven’t enjoyed, so I have high expectations with Bavarian Cream, my latest acquisition. I ordered the Classic matcha with robust flavor. One of my favorite ways to start the day is with a chilled matcha latte. I know I need to branch out more, but I just like it this way so much! So today, I’m readying myself for a brisk 2 1/2 hour hike on a windy 40 degree day. I think this will give me a good jumpstart. My favorite flavor thus far has been Caramel, but there are others that run a close second, and all are good. My choice of milk for lattes varies. I’ve used unsweetened soy and almond/coconut depending on what I have in the fridge. I sweeten with some stevia because it makes me feel like I’m having dessert. So I put a few ounces hot water in a large tumbler, then sift 1 teaspoon of matcha into the water. I froth with my trusty Aerolatte for just a few seconds, then add about 12 ounces of milk , and froth another few seconds. A couple of ice cubes and I’m good to go. Yum. This Bavarian Cream flavor is a cup of creamy vanilla deliciousness! If you like the sound of it you can get it at:

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Tried this cold steeped for about 16 hrs in the fridge. Yummy! I already knew I love it hot, but since I’ve had good luck in the past with cold-steeping another similar tea, I thought I’d give it a try. 4gm/14 oz water.

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drank Zhen Qu by Butiki Teas
166 tasting notes

Forgot to review this before, so now I’ve had this delicious Chinese Yunnan black several times. This is outstanding! This is a dreary, damp, grey day in Atlanta, and the perfect day to sip tea. (As is every day!) As others have pointed out, the dry leaves are very pretty with their golden and dark curls. In fact,when I first opened the package, just by the appearance, I had an idea I would like it very much. I can both taste and smell floral notes, and yes, it is rich and smooth with just the right amount of maltiness and sweetness. I have experimented with it, and found it to be very forgiving. I’ve brewed 1 tsp./8 oz for 5 minutes, as well as 2 tsp/8 oz for 3 minutes and gotten great results both times. It takes a second steeping well too. Even with a longer steep time, I didn’t get bitterness or astringency. I love good blacks, and this one is high on my list. Glad I’ve got a little left, but it will be time to re-order soon! And I like so many Butiki teas-it will be hard to narrow it down!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Terri HarpLady

This is also on my re-order list from Butiki!

Donna A

Terri, I just got a box from Butiki today, and already tempted to order other things, including more of the Zhen Qu, which I’ve used up already. Butiki has SO MANY things I like!

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drank Creamy Eggnog by Butiki Teas
166 tasting notes

This excellent Butiki blend has already been described quite eloquently by others and I agree with the positive reviews. Though black teas are my favorite, I really really enjoy this well balanced flavored green tea, enough to reorder it. I’m not sure I immediately think Eggnog when I taste it, but creamy, buttery, custardy? Yes. The second steep is quite tasty also. I especially enjoy Creamy Eggnog in the evening with a little Stevia. Very relaxing.

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I ordered a sample of this and several other H&S teas-I appreciate that they offer sample sizes. As expected, this Single Estate Assam has dark leaves and many golden tips. To me, it is mild, but not without flavor. Sweet, smooth, and easy to drink with the characteristic malty notes of a good Assam. The H&S description says it is strong-I wouldn’t describe it that way. I used 2 gm at boiling, for 4 1/2 minutes and got a second steeping. Worth trying if you like Assams. The reason I didn’t rate it yet is not because I didn’t like it, but I’d like to try it a few more times first. It seems the more teas I try, the harder it is to put a number on it!

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec

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drank Cranberry Chai by Teajo Teas
166 tasting notes

I re-visited this a few days ago. I decided to do something I hadn’t done previously with this chai. I simmered it on the stove in milk for 10 minutes, then strained it. I liked it a lot this way, enough to re-order it. The cranberry added something a little extra, but it was still like a chai. The last time I made this tea, I steeped it, then added milk, but thought the flavor was too muted by the milk. Surprisingly, Cranberry Chai also makes a good iced tea, without milk. At the moment, Teajo is having a sale, so its a good time to try it. I like their Classic Chai as well.

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See my previous note and Ashmanra’s comment. At her suggestion, I brewed this Western style using 2 generous tsp in 8 oz boiling water, just under 4 minutes. This is how I’ll make it in the future, as there is a lot more flavor and no bitterness or astringency. This is still at the milder end of the black tea flavor spectrum, with some subtle maltiness and sweet potato notes. A very enjoyable cup of tea, nice sweet flavor, and I even got a second steep. I’m glad Teavivre was generous with the samples so that I could experiment a little! (Thanks Ashmanra :)

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec

You are welcome! :)

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I agree with some other reviewers, that this is very delicate and light considering its a black tea. I would say its more subtle, and not at all aggressive-a relaxing tea that would be nice in the afternoon. I was pretty generous with the leaf, using 3.5 gms/8 oz water, brewing for 2 minutes, with a 2nd steep for 3 minutes. I have others that I prefer from Teavivre, such as Yun Nan Dian Hong Gold Tip or Bailin Gongfu, I think because I prefer something a little stronger, but this is still very nice, especially for those who prefer a milder tea.

185 °F / 85 °C 2 min, 0 sec

Don’t know if this will work, but I noticed that Asians typically drink their black tea mild. Try steeping it western style and you may find that you have an amazing cup you can’t do without! Go boiling with four scant minutes to start and see what happens! :)

Donna A

Thanks for the suggestion Ashmanra. I’ll try that. I have learned with other black teas that some minor adjustments can make all the difference!

Donna A

Update. Ashmanra, I tried your suggesion and went with boiling and 4 scant minutes (using 2 generous tsp in 8 oz water), and that has been my favorite cup! No bitterness or astringency, but a lot more flavor.


Hooray! I am glad it worked for you! :)

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Tea became a passion for me a year or so ago. I fell into it almost by accident, but now I would say it has captured me. Tea is more than something tasty to sip on, it is an experience-it helps create a mood and is quite interesting to read about and study. I discovered loose tea at the tea store at my mall. I was looking for alternatives to Coke Zero and white wine. Say what you will about that mall chain, but I’m sure it has raised awareness about tea where I live, in the land of bagged mass produced black tea prepared with lots of sugar, Atlanta, Georgia. That’s what happened with me, and then I started perusing the internet and found Steepster.

When I take on an interest or a hobby, I go into it full force and become a little obsessive about it in the beginning. I have always been adventurous when it comes to trying new foods, and once I discovered there was so much more out there than the Lipton tea I saw my mom drinking when I was growing up, I started trying many different varieties of loose tea. I have discovered I like all kinds of tea. I I veer a lot toward straight teas, especially blacks, but occasionally drink flavored also, especially Earl Grey. I like flavored Matcha lattes too. I’ve completely given up diet cola, which was becoming too much of a habit. I think tea is a lot healthier. When I rate a tea, it’s just my personal taste, so I don’t tend to post on things I don’t care for. Also, I tend to sweeten my tea with natural stevia (a no no for some!) I am a married Registered Nurse, with two kids in college and one in medical school. My husband is not hooked like I am, but he often enjoys a cup with me. I enjoy many other interests, including reading, gardening, and the arts. I’ve taken up hiking in the past year too. Anytime I can include tea in these pursuits, I do! It has become a bit of an obsession for me.


Atlanta, GA

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