When I saw this tea on the site I new I had to try it. Getting a sample of this was really the catalyst for the order. The anticipation was also the reason I wanted Golden Moon’s Coconut Pouchong and/or a milk oolong the other day. And even though my tasting conditions aren’t optimal with a slightly stuffy nose (but still with my sense of smell!), I can’t wait to try it.
The dry tea smells oh so sweet and coconutty, and it’s hard to tell where the creamy coconut ends and the creamy milk oolong begins. There are long strands of coconut mixed in with dark green rolled oolong leaves. After steeping the tea smells more like the slightly fruity, creamy smell of a milk oolong. The coconut is there, but kind of melding with the creamy scent.
The taste is fruitier than I expected; it’s slightly peachy with a background of vegetal oolong. It’s nutty and a bit creamy, but not as creamy as I might have expected. Also I think I should drop the steep time to 2 minutes. It’s definitely very tasty, and I think I’m missing some of the subtleties due to my sickness. I’m going to hold off rating it until I can do a proper tasting, but it’s looking good so far.
I think i would like this too!
Coconut is one of my favs.
Ooomama this looks goood!