This one I threw into my order of samples because I couldn’t not! Almond oolong, oh yeah. And yeah, this one is fab. Tons and tons of almond flavor, like amaretto or marzipan. Yum. I’ve mostly had almond black teas, and I think the oolong base works well with it. It supports without overtaking it, and the almond brings out the buttery-ness in the oolong. I prefer it to the roasted oolong base of the Fauchon 2013 Sweet Almond and Orange in part because I don’t need the roastiness all the time. I think this would be awesome combined with a rose oolong, which is also on my list of oolongs that need replacing, since DF seems to not be carrying Rose de Mai anymore. If only My Green Teapot had a rose oolong too!
Flavors: Almond, Floral