Not rating it yet, because I’m not sure.

I was very excited about this one. It’s tied in cute little bows, so adorable! and it smells fantastically jasmine-y. The shop lady said it’s her favorite jasmine… along with H&S. Which, I’m not fond of.

I didn’t measure the amount of tea, take the water temperature, or time the brewing, and now I wish I had. It’s bitter. I’m on the second steep and it’s still bitter. It has a bitter aftertaste.

It still (even on the second steep) has a delightful jasmine smell, just a bitter taste. And the taste reminds me more of an oolong than a green, so I’m not sure what the base is (I have no ingredients list, either on the packaging or on the website).

The leaves, now that they’ve uncurled, remind me of a mu tan white, but the flavor isn’t that at all (thank goodness, because I really don’t like that). I don’t know what the base is at all.

I’m going to have to try this again under more controlled conditions and see if it’ll come out better. Right now it’s definitely not worth the expense.

TheTeaLady 15 years ago

Did you try steeping the tea with water that is under a boil and for only about 1 minute? I have had this tea several times and have never found it to taste bitter. Let me know!

denisend 15 years ago

I believe (though it was awhile ago) that I drank it at work, so I pulled the water from the office cooler hot spigot. The temperature averages about 190 F, so I don’t think that’s a problem. I may have steeped it too long; my usual office method is “keep sipping until it tastes done”, but I think with this one I was waiting for the leaves to unfold. I haven’t tried it again, but I’ll use a timer and just go for a minute. Thanks for the suggestion!

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TheTeaLady 15 years ago

Did you try steeping the tea with water that is under a boil and for only about 1 minute? I have had this tea several times and have never found it to taste bitter. Let me know!

denisend 15 years ago

I believe (though it was awhile ago) that I drank it at work, so I pulled the water from the office cooler hot spigot. The temperature averages about 190 F, so I don’t think that’s a problem. I may have steeped it too long; my usual office method is “keep sipping until it tastes done”, but I think with this one I was waiting for the leaves to unfold. I haven’t tried it again, but I’ll use a timer and just go for a minute. Thanks for the suggestion!

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Engineer. Lives with her cats and husband. Likes fruity tisanes most of all, but willing to try anything.


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