Madame Butterfly Jasmine

Tea type
Green Tea
Green Tea Leaves, Jasmine Flowers
Green Apple, Jasmine, Butter
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 5 min, 15 sec 60 oz / 1774 ml

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From Capital Teas

This connoisseur’s green tea has a stunning jasmine character with a full flavored cup and an incomparable aromatic nose; simply the absolute finest quality that there is! First flush peony silver needles are delicately hand-tied to form the shape of butterfly wings then infused multiple evenings with lightly scented jasmine flowers are laid atop the tea leaves to produce a tea as delicate as lace and elegant as Madame Butterfly herself.

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6 Tasting Notes

6768 tasting notes

Thanks Liberteas!

Now THIS is the Jasmine for me! It’s not artificial, stale, or soapy tasting. It doesn’t leave a funky aftertaste. YAY! He’s a semi-sweet floral. The hand-tied designer knots of the leaves are lovely and a work of art!

Very nice – all around!

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127 tasting notes

Not rating it yet, because I’m not sure.

I was very excited about this one. It’s tied in cute little bows, so adorable! and it smells fantastically jasmine-y. The shop lady said it’s her favorite jasmine… along with H&S. Which, I’m not fond of.

I didn’t measure the amount of tea, take the water temperature, or time the brewing, and now I wish I had. It’s bitter. I’m on the second steep and it’s still bitter. It has a bitter aftertaste.

It still (even on the second steep) has a delightful jasmine smell, just a bitter taste. And the taste reminds me more of an oolong than a green, so I’m not sure what the base is (I have no ingredients list, either on the packaging or on the website).

The leaves, now that they’ve uncurled, remind me of a mu tan white, but the flavor isn’t that at all (thank goodness, because I really don’t like that). I don’t know what the base is at all.

I’m going to have to try this again under more controlled conditions and see if it’ll come out better. Right now it’s definitely not worth the expense.

TheTeaLady 15 years ago

Did you try steeping the tea with water that is under a boil and for only about 1 minute? I have had this tea several times and have never found it to taste bitter. Let me know!

denisend 15 years ago

I believe (though it was awhile ago) that I drank it at work, so I pulled the water from the office cooler hot spigot. The temperature averages about 190 F, so I don’t think that’s a problem. I may have steeped it too long; my usual office method is “keep sipping until it tastes done”, but I think with this one I was waiting for the leaves to unfold. I haven’t tried it again, but I’ll use a timer and just go for a minute. Thanks for the suggestion!

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4843 tasting notes

I LOVE this jasmine tea. It has a nice balance between white tea/green tea and jasmine flavor. Capital Teas calls this a green tea, but, it is a silver needle tea which I consider to be a white tea, but, whatever.

Anyway, the jasmine is strong, but it doesn’t overwhelm the flavor of the tea. It is smooth and sweet and not artificial tasting or soapy tasting. Just floral and delicious. I love it.

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4 tasting notes

Green tea and jasmine petals fuse together to bring you a delicate and elegant taste.

Flavors: Green Apple, Jasmine

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 60 OZ / 1774 ML

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661 tasting notes

Wow! What an amazing Jasmine tea. Thanks Liquid Proust for adding a sample in our swap.

I brewed this gongfu. Currently am on steep 3 – or is it 4? I lost track. It’s soooo good. I have always loved a good jasmine green with a fairly strong floral taste and aroma. The one I used to enjoy years ago (way before I got into fine teas) had an artificial flavor to make it that strong. Trying many different jasmine teas over the years I came to the conclusion that infusing the tea naturally with the flowers could just not give such a strong jasmine scent and flavor to it. Well I was wrong.

This tea is jasmine and a bit buttery. Very delicate but at the same time very strong. I’m surprised this is listed as a green tea. When I checked it out on Capital Teas website it is made with first flush peony silver needles. Sounds like a white tea to me. It is tied in such delicate bows. I can imagine that definitely adds to it’s high price because of the labour to make those little bows.

I just can’t help it but would love more of this tea. It would be nice to stock a tiny tiny amount of the bows but to find this tea without the bows to have more often. I wonder if Capital Teas has it without the bows?

Flavors: Butter, Jasmine

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Equusfell 10 years ago

Have you had Verdant’s Yunnan White Jasmine? It is the most floral and amazing jasmine tea I have ever drunk. And it is relatively reasonably priced for such a high quality tea.

Ubacat 10 years ago

No , I never did. I’d love to try it.

Ubacat 10 years ago

Ha ha I checked out the reviews here and I had already saved that one to my wish list.

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1113 tasting notes

This tea makes me sad in an odd way: This has been one of the more pricey teas that I’ve owned, but it has been just chilling in my cabinet until tonight. Jasmine sounded like a nice nighttime drink so I got this one out as I was very curious about it for awhile (mainly because of it’s cost).
This is amazing. Just… amazing.
The smoothness, the flavor, the aroma… this is a delicate tea.
When I finish these off I will be buying some of David’s Tea’s version to see if it compares because this tea is just too pricey. If anyone has 4g of David’s version let me know and I’ll swap :)

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Ubacat 10 years ago

I agree. Amazing tea but pricey. I doubt David’s Tea would have anything near to this tea.

Equusfell 10 years ago

You really should try Verdant’s Yunnan White Jasmine. It’s probably my current favorite tea. I could swap it with you next time I’m in Columbus!

CapitalTeas 10 years ago

Thank you for your review — I’m so glad you enjoyed it! It is a very special tea for us. Happy Brewing!

Ubacat 10 years ago

Swap with me or LP?

Liquid Proust 10 years ago

Me, but I can share the wealth since I sharing
I also working on my own green oolong jasmine blend :)

Equusfell 10 years ago

I’d swap with both of you! Though we may have to make it bigger than one tea if it’s going to B.C.!

Ubacat 10 years ago

Sounds great Equusfell! Following you

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