drank Milk Oolong by Paru Tea Bar
1735 tasting notes

This is one of the first milk oolongs that was not overly vegetal in my tumbler. Butter? Yes. Coconut like? Yes. Milky? Yes. Green like spirulina and a grassy protein shake for a cow? Yes, but smooth and well rounded by the other flavor profiles being close to a greener dessert.

I’m contemplating on making this a staple…but it’s $42 for 4 oz….eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we’ll see. I do really like it. 93 rating minimum that will likely go up-price is the main thing holding this one back because I’ve very rarely had Alishan Jin Xuans that actually have a fruity note, and this one has a very prominent lychee flavor as it cools down in third steeps.


Is it flavored? Have you tried Premium Silky Green from Bird Pick? It has that buttery silky vibe. They sell it as a green but it is deffo milk oolong and cheaper than that. Not sure about a fruity note as it has been ages since I have had any.


Paru Tea Bar appears to have some cool teas but their prices make me hesitate.

Need to try Bird Pick.

Evol Ving Ness

I thought Mandala was the be all and end all of milk oolongs? Or the mango one from what cha?

Evol Ving Ness

That said, if you’ve found what you like, sometimes it is best to just suck it up and get exactly what you want.


I also ADORE J E Milky from The O Dor but it is rather expensive.

Daylon R Thomas

I’m pretty sure it’s flavored-though they don’t say. I personally was not as big of a fan of the J E Milky. I still think Mandala’s one is, What-Cha is the best quality for the best price. The thing that’s unusual about this one is the lychee note, and it’s actually not too far off from the same price as Mandala’s-only slightly more expensive. And I still haven’t tried the one from bird pick yet! I remember when you recommended it so long ago!

Daylon R Thomas

One benefit is that there is a $40 free shipping cap for U.S. The problem is that you’d have to get a tea flight to sample their teas, and they mostly come in 3’s. I do think there are a few teas that are worth it from Paru, but it is steep in comparison.

Daylon R Thomas

Bird pick has also put the oolong in the oolong category


Daylon: I am glad to hear they moved it. It was in the green section for years. I called them once to ask about it and the young woman who answered the phone said it was deffo green tea because oolongs are smoky…I explained that there is a whole range of oolong and she was really surprised and said she needed to find out more about it. She didn’t get defensive or cross, just really was surprised and very nice. I checked a few more times and it still was listed as a green, so I am glad they have now moved it to where it belongs!


I vaguely remember the oolong debacle! Also glad to see they changed it. Now, if only they shipped to Canada.

Evol Ving Ness

Hahaha, the Canada shipping thing. Yeah. And then there’s the paying gazillions of dollars, not on tea, on shipping (and customs/duties if they ding you.

Evol Ving Ness

Sorry, having a bitter moment.


Also bitter. It used to be sort of affordable. On the flipside, I hear that by the end of the month Canada is dropping the testing for trips across the border less than 72hrs in length. This may give us more tea buying options lol

Evol Ving Ness

Good news! Not helpful to me, yay anyway.

In the past week or so, I’ve lost my mind completely, so I may not need any more tea. Ever.

Daylon R Thomas

Lol teaching been nuts up there too?

Evol Ving Ness

Interesting times, interesting times.

But I meant more in terms of impulsive tea purchases (and it’s not even Black Friday).

Evol Ving Ness

How’ve you been managing, Daylon?


Oh cool, Bird Pick still exists!


I’m almost there with you Evol. I’m telling myself I can’t buy more tea until I sipdown all the August Uncommon and old 52teas (and start the advents). But then I wish for things I don’t have (oolong. always oolong).

Evol Ving Ness

I KNOW! And then there’s the oh, things have been hard and I deserve a treat (or five) thing.

Daylon R Thomas

It’s been tough, and interesting. By no means the worst year I’ve taught (first year still takes the cake),but I’ve made some progress despite some hurtles. Being sick and being a leader in a nonprofit has been draining. Ergo, like you, more tea. Luckily, the weekly subbing on my prep has helped supplement income a little.

Daylon R Thomas

I’ve got a good stash, but too much black, not enough oolong. Barely have touched my white teas.


I laughed at your description of some oolongs as “protein shakes for a cow.” So true!

I, too, have gone overboard on impulsive tea purchases and may not be participating in Black Friday. Unlike you, my stash is oolong heavy and “needs” more black tea. (My only BF temptation would be the oolongs from White2Tea, One River Tea, etc., etc.) Do you have any decent unsmoked Lapsang Souchong? In my impulsive buy from Wuyi Origin, I managed to pick up only 50 g of Old Bush Lapsang and 75 g of Jin Jun Mei (plus 50 g of their lower-priced Benefit Tea, ugh), plus three Dan Congs. I’m starting to feel a bit of buyer’s remorse…

Evol Ving Ness

Nothing beats the first year!

I expanded my horizons by splurging on matcha, as well, of course, as the usual suspects.

Leafhopper, no remorse allowed. Some we like, some we drink, some we give away, some we age and get to eventually, hopefully while they are still tasty.

I am also interested in a good unsmoked lapsang. Please let me know if you come across something lovely.

Daylon R Thomas

I sent a list of some in a message, Leafhopper. Most of them are less than 1 oz from Trident Cafe in Colorado.

Evol Ving Ness

Hello? Not for public consumption?


Evol Ving Ness, you’re right, the tea will be drunk, swapped, or stored for years in my tea museum, so I don’t need to feel any remorse. The best unsmoked Lapsang I’ve had is the one from TheTea.pl., which is full of tropical fruit. Wuyi Origin’s Old Bush Lapsang Souchong is a close second, though it leans more toward sweet potato and brown sugar.


Daylon, I’m not sure your message went through. I can’t see it in my inbox.

Evol Ving Ness

Thank you, Leafhopper. Making a note of your suggestions.

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Is it flavored? Have you tried Premium Silky Green from Bird Pick? It has that buttery silky vibe. They sell it as a green but it is deffo milk oolong and cheaper than that. Not sure about a fruity note as it has been ages since I have had any.


Paru Tea Bar appears to have some cool teas but their prices make me hesitate.

Need to try Bird Pick.

Evol Ving Ness

I thought Mandala was the be all and end all of milk oolongs? Or the mango one from what cha?

Evol Ving Ness

That said, if you’ve found what you like, sometimes it is best to just suck it up and get exactly what you want.


I also ADORE J E Milky from The O Dor but it is rather expensive.

Daylon R Thomas

I’m pretty sure it’s flavored-though they don’t say. I personally was not as big of a fan of the J E Milky. I still think Mandala’s one is, What-Cha is the best quality for the best price. The thing that’s unusual about this one is the lychee note, and it’s actually not too far off from the same price as Mandala’s-only slightly more expensive. And I still haven’t tried the one from bird pick yet! I remember when you recommended it so long ago!

Daylon R Thomas

One benefit is that there is a $40 free shipping cap for U.S. The problem is that you’d have to get a tea flight to sample their teas, and they mostly come in 3’s. I do think there are a few teas that are worth it from Paru, but it is steep in comparison.

Daylon R Thomas

Bird pick has also put the oolong in the oolong category


Daylon: I am glad to hear they moved it. It was in the green section for years. I called them once to ask about it and the young woman who answered the phone said it was deffo green tea because oolongs are smoky…I explained that there is a whole range of oolong and she was really surprised and said she needed to find out more about it. She didn’t get defensive or cross, just really was surprised and very nice. I checked a few more times and it still was listed as a green, so I am glad they have now moved it to where it belongs!


I vaguely remember the oolong debacle! Also glad to see they changed it. Now, if only they shipped to Canada.

Evol Ving Ness

Hahaha, the Canada shipping thing. Yeah. And then there’s the paying gazillions of dollars, not on tea, on shipping (and customs/duties if they ding you.

Evol Ving Ness

Sorry, having a bitter moment.


Also bitter. It used to be sort of affordable. On the flipside, I hear that by the end of the month Canada is dropping the testing for trips across the border less than 72hrs in length. This may give us more tea buying options lol

Evol Ving Ness

Good news! Not helpful to me, yay anyway.

In the past week or so, I’ve lost my mind completely, so I may not need any more tea. Ever.

Daylon R Thomas

Lol teaching been nuts up there too?

Evol Ving Ness

Interesting times, interesting times.

But I meant more in terms of impulsive tea purchases (and it’s not even Black Friday).

Evol Ving Ness

How’ve you been managing, Daylon?


Oh cool, Bird Pick still exists!


I’m almost there with you Evol. I’m telling myself I can’t buy more tea until I sipdown all the August Uncommon and old 52teas (and start the advents). But then I wish for things I don’t have (oolong. always oolong).

Evol Ving Ness

I KNOW! And then there’s the oh, things have been hard and I deserve a treat (or five) thing.

Daylon R Thomas

It’s been tough, and interesting. By no means the worst year I’ve taught (first year still takes the cake),but I’ve made some progress despite some hurtles. Being sick and being a leader in a nonprofit has been draining. Ergo, like you, more tea. Luckily, the weekly subbing on my prep has helped supplement income a little.

Daylon R Thomas

I’ve got a good stash, but too much black, not enough oolong. Barely have touched my white teas.


I laughed at your description of some oolongs as “protein shakes for a cow.” So true!

I, too, have gone overboard on impulsive tea purchases and may not be participating in Black Friday. Unlike you, my stash is oolong heavy and “needs” more black tea. (My only BF temptation would be the oolongs from White2Tea, One River Tea, etc., etc.) Do you have any decent unsmoked Lapsang Souchong? In my impulsive buy from Wuyi Origin, I managed to pick up only 50 g of Old Bush Lapsang and 75 g of Jin Jun Mei (plus 50 g of their lower-priced Benefit Tea, ugh), plus three Dan Congs. I’m starting to feel a bit of buyer’s remorse…

Evol Ving Ness

Nothing beats the first year!

I expanded my horizons by splurging on matcha, as well, of course, as the usual suspects.

Leafhopper, no remorse allowed. Some we like, some we drink, some we give away, some we age and get to eventually, hopefully while they are still tasty.

I am also interested in a good unsmoked lapsang. Please let me know if you come across something lovely.

Daylon R Thomas

I sent a list of some in a message, Leafhopper. Most of them are less than 1 oz from Trident Cafe in Colorado.

Evol Ving Ness

Hello? Not for public consumption?


Evol Ving Ness, you’re right, the tea will be drunk, swapped, or stored for years in my tea museum, so I don’t need to feel any remorse. The best unsmoked Lapsang I’ve had is the one from TheTea.pl., which is full of tropical fruit. Wuyi Origin’s Old Bush Lapsang Souchong is a close second, though it leans more toward sweet potato and brown sugar.


Daylon, I’m not sure your message went through. I can’t see it in my inbox.

Evol Ving Ness

Thank you, Leafhopper. Making a note of your suggestions.

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First Off, Current Targets:

Whispering Pines Alice
Good Luxurious Work Teas
Wang Family’s Jasmine Shanlinxi
Spring, Winter Taiwan High Mountain Oolongs

Dislikes: Heavy Tannin, Astringency, Bitterness, or Fake Flavor, Overly herby herbal or aged teas

Picky with: Higher Oxidation Oolongs, Red Oolongs (Some I love, others give me headaches or are almost too sweet), Mint Teas

Currently, my stash is overflowing. Among my favorites are What-Cha’s Lishan Black, Amber Gaba Oolong, Lishan Oolong, Qilan Oolong, White Rhino, Kenya Silver Needle, Tong Mu Lapsang Black (Unsmoked); Whispering Pines Alice, Taiwanese Assam, Wang’s Shanlinxi, Cuifeng, Dayuling, Jasmine Shan Lin Xi; Beautiful Taiwan Tea Co.“Old Style” Dong Ding, Mandala Milk Oolong; Paru’s Milk Oolong


I am an MSU graduate, and current alternative ed. high school social studies and history teacher. I formerly minored in anthropology, and I love Egyptian and classical history. I love to read, write, draw, paint, sculpt, fence(with a sword), practice calisthenics on rings, lift weights, workout, relax, and drink a cuppa tea…or twenty.

I’ve been drinking green and black teas ever since I was little living in Hawaii. Eastern Asian influence was prominent with my friends and where I grew up, so I’ve been exposed to some tea culture at a young age. I’ve come a long way since I began on steepster and now drink most teas gong fu, especially oolong. Any tea that is naturally creamy, fruity, or sweet without a lot of added flavoring ranks as a must have for me. I also love black teas and dark oolongs with the elusive “cocoa” note. My favorites are lighter Earl Greys, some white teas like What-Cha’s Kenyan offerings, most Hong-Cha’s, darker Darjeelings, almost anything from Nepal, Green Shan Lin Xi’s, and Greener Dong Dings. I’m in the process of trying Alishan’s. I also tend to really enjoy Yunnan Black or Red teas and white teas. I’m pickier with other teas like chamomile, green teas, and Masalas among several.

I used to give ratings, but now I only rate teas that have a strong impression on me. If I really like it, I’ll write it down.

I’ll enjoy a tea almost no matter what, even if the purpose is more medicinal, for it is my truest vice and addiction.


Michigan, USA

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