drank BB Detox by Kusmi Tea
69 tasting notes

So obsessed with this tea. I’ve purchased a lot of tea recently so I’ve been really trying to spread out what I’m drinking, but I’ve had a big mug of this one pretty much every day. It’s a great tea for around 6 or 7 p.m. when my energy is flagging a bit – it gives me enough perk to take a nice evening walk.

Also I swear it helps me focus? I’ve had a lot of yerba mate in my time but something about this one really helps me zone in on things. Okay, honestly it mostly helps me zone in on this Winter Soldier fic I’m writing, so I’m wondering if I’ll just always associate BB Detox with thinking a lot about Sebastian Stan’s face. There are worse fates in this world. Anyway, any tea that helps my easily-distracted brain is A+ in my book.

The biggest surprise on the this one though is how much I love the flavor, given that I’m not and have never been a grapefruit person. I don’t even usually like citrus that much at all. The grapefruit taste is clearly identifiable but not very strong, which may be part of it. It’s just the perfect amount of flavor for me.

I’d originally tried a sample of this at the Kusmi store in NY and was surprised at how much I liked it then. So glad I decided to take the plunge and get a tin. Addicted enough for now that I already looked up pricing on the 8.8 ounce tins. We’ll see how I feel once I’m further through what I’ve got, but for now I’m calling this a big winner!

Flavors: Grapefruit

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 24 OZ / 709 ML

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I like ‘em sweet, spicy, fancy, and sometimes French. I’ll choose intriguingly flavored over single estate every time.


Glendale, CA



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