This sounds so irresistible. French caramel apples in tea. I never had any caramel apple, ever, but that just made it much more appealing – it was the idea of it, caramel and apple, oh yay. It really was something I wanted to try, particularly since I have recently been impressed by the first Dammann tea I tried (Paul et Virginie, that was). So when Ysaurella so kindly shared this with me, yay, thank you so much again Ysaurella!
I could not resist trying this before getting really better from the cold I had, so my first teapot was not really a fair trial (a waste, but could not resist). And here goes my second attempt – I was distracted by something else and brew it just a smidgeon too long. No harm done, still extremely drinkable, just adding the data point that it´s probably much better with shorter steep times.
The dry leaf smells totally divine – not like apple nor caramel, but some indescritable blend, fruity and spicy and yes caramelley. The liquor smells and tastes differently. Like apples yes, and this tea left me quite baffled. I think part of the problem is that never having any caramel apple I did not know what to expect. For example, yesterday I tried another marvelous sample from Ysaurella, Rouge d´Automne which tastes wonderfully of marrons glacés – which taste very differently from any other dish of chestnuts! If I had never had had marrons glacés I think I would not have known what to make of that taste. And I get this feeling from Pomme D´Amour, like I can not recognize what it is about. It is very nice indeed, but a stranger somehow!
Oh, I love mixing caramel and apple flavoured teas for this effect! Half and half of Kusmi’s caramel and their apple is one of the best combinations I’ve ever done. :) (I’ve found, though, that LPdT’s Toffee, which fills the same slot as the caramel in my mind, doesn’t work half so well with that combination.)
Oh, I love mixing caramel and apple flavoured teas for this effect! Half and half of Kusmi’s caramel and their apple is one of the best combinations I’ve ever done. :) (I’ve found, though, that LPdT’s Toffee, which fills the same slot as the caramel in my mind, doesn’t work half so well with that combination.)
It is a good idea indeed. And mixing teas, I got to dare that one of these days!