Wah Nam Hong

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Nice daily drinker and low in caffeine too!Texture is very clear with minerality. The tea has roasted notes with hints of charcoal and nuts in the beginning and throughout the steeps it start to reveal more floral notes. I used the Chaozhou gongfu tea method to brew this tea.

Flavors: Charcoal, Clear, Floral, Mineral, Nuts, Roasted

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 4 g 2 OZ / 70 ML

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I picked this up in an Asian grocery store who also has a special tea section. Dry leaf has EVO and green notes to it with some roasted nutty notes. The wet leaf has a very creamy, sweetened milk aroma and some degree of florality to it. Almost like a bubble milk tea. This makes me unsure if the original Qingxin cultivar is used to produce this tea or the TRES12/Jinxuan variety because it just says Alishan high mountain tea. First brew has a dominant note of flower. The flavors are a mix in the second brew with notes of milkiness, florality and hints of green. The mouthfeel overall is smooth and creamy.
Overall a very drinkable tea. I used the gongfu tea method and a gaiwan to brew this tea.

Flavors: Bright, Creamy, Floral, Green, Milky, Olive Oil, Roasted Nuts, Smooth

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 30 sec 4 g 70 OZ / 2070 ML

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