Thunderbolt Tea
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This Darjeeling comes to me, courtesy of Moraiwe
This darjeeling is the first that has a notable difference in flavor profile from the few I had before (see my tasting note for Upton TD33 thurbo Est.)
It has the same muscatel flavor with the addition of a sparkling character, almost champagne-like. But as I said in my previous note, I’m not a wine person. Although I can vaguely recognize the quality of some of these characteristics, it’s not my thing.
Still happy that I have the opportunity to get familiar with darjeelings though.
Tea #2 from Another Traveling Tea Box. Moraiwe tossed this in the box for me to try because I said I was in sort of a tea slump and she said this always picked her up. I can see why. This was an interesting tea to try.
I haven’t really had good experiences with Darjeeling in the past. The first one I ever had tasted like musty old leather and really put me off it. I’ve collected a few from swaps and whatnot but I’ve never gotten the nerve up to try them fearing for another bad experience. After this one, I might just start dipping into them now.
Smelling the brew it’s got a rich sort of fruity smell which I wasn’t expecting. I just about stuck my nose in my tea trying to catch it, but then, my nose has been kinda stuffy/wonky with this new medicine I’ve been on.
Tasting it I’m definitely getting that musky sort of taste, but I also get a kinda green ‘pulling-weeds-scent’ sort of taste from it too. Which is a strange way to describe it, but it’s the first thing that comes to mind. It’s not an unpleasant sort of taste, but it definitely makes me sit and ponder and sip some more on it. Very little, if any astringency which I always like to find.
This is a very nice tea to drink straight, but I always have to add sugar to all my first time trying teas just to see. I have a feeling I might’ve added just a bit too much Truvia but it’s still definitely drinkable. The green/musky taste is toned down and I get more of a vague fruity taste now. Either way, it was a very pleasant cup to drink
This tea definitely makes me see why some people are absolutely crazy about Darjeeling. Personally it’s not a tea that I could see myself craving enough to keep much of around. But I’d consider keeping a few cups worth of around for those rare times I want a black tea that’s not malty (like I usually drink)
Edit – Did a second steep (because why not. Lol.) – 4:30min @195* – A bit more of a watered down taste and I’m getting a peppery sort of malty-ness now from the tea. Vaguely fruity and much more astringent now.
I wasn’t sure what I expected from this tea, but I love Darjeeling and I love oolong, so the combination seemed like a good idea.
My initial tastes were disappointing, as there was a strong vegetable flavor that I didn’t care for (the same reason I dislike many green teas). Today, however, the veggies seem very subdued. Instead, there are floral highlights with maybe a hint of mint. The aroma is delicate in comparison the the Thunderbolt Moonlight that I just finished, but probably more in line with what I expect from a Darjeeling.
The flavors are similar to the aromas, but the mouth-feel is a bit coarse and tannic, and doesn’t flow gracefully into the finish. Not bad, really, but lacking in elegance. A decent tea, but not special. To be fair, this is a “bargain” tea compared to other Thunderbolt offerings, and it serves that role nicely.
I think I need to play around with the water temperature since I’m seeing a lot of variation in my tasting notes for this tea, and also significant variation in temperature (depending on how impatient I am at the stove). If I find a pattern, I’ll update my tasting notes.
I’ve been negligent about writing reviews. I’ve had my Thunderbolt order for about two weeks and haven’t written about the teas yet. Saturday is a nice day to sip through the teas and write reviews.
The aroma is fairly powerful, but soft, reminding me of damp forest leaves. That flavor continues in the taste, but with hints of herb and fruit. I tend to think of Darjeelings as being delicate, but this is a big, powerful tea. There is some astringency but without bitterness. There is a smooth transition into a long and powerful finish without bitterness.
The previous time I drank this tea, I steeped at boiling temperature, which gave a more fruity flavor that I preferred. Good either way. I also noted that it tasted good at room temperature. I only drink iced tea in the summer, but I think this would make a good iced tea.
sipdown!this is another lovely darjeeling. i’m really enjoying trying a few of these darjeelings. This is slightly fruity but still has a strength to it. thanks for sharing with me terri!
Terri sent this one my way and i am so delighted with it, that rather than saving the other cups of this one, i’m going to send the rest off to omgsrsly so that she can try it, and hopefully share it with shaynebear too. i’m not sure how to describe this’s a bright? tea…not astringency and it’s sort of fruity but yet not? heh thanks terri!
there are a few darjeelings in the box, so feel free to drink them, share them etc… at this point i’m sort of just tossing random things in there for fun lol
Another darjeeling from the Grab Bag. This one is a 2nd flush, with a richer muskier taste, thicker mouth, less astringency, & it’s rather fruity as well. I now have the hang of Darjeelings, at least as far as the brewing is concerned. I’ve been giving them 190 for about 3 – 4 minutes, & that seems to result in a pretty decent cup of tea.
As this one cools, I’m getting a very bright almost lemony sensation towards the back center of my tongue that lingers after the sip.
Sure, this one tastes like Darjeeling but with a slightly-bitter/tart type fruity flavor…somewhat compared to a currant, perhaps? Plus it has a carob sort of hint to it. I wouldn’t say Chocolate, Cocoa, or even cacao…closer to carob to my tongue. It has a woodsy lingering flavor. It’s more of a masculine darjeeling than some I have had lately. And it lingers way more than I anticipate. This is ok but not my favorite dajeeling-type to sip.
I really like how pretty this tea is dry. It’s a chocolate brown color with flecks of gold and orange. The leaf is large and extremely wiry.
Again, a really nice musk flavor with beautiful plummy fruit notes and a rich, warming earthiness.
It also has a pretty decent second steep. It’s nuttier and richer with strong malt and earth notes. The gentle floral and fruit notes aren’t present at all, but it still has more character than a lot of black teas.
Perfect for this rainy weather!
The thing I really like about Darjeeling teas is that they’re wonderfully nuanced.
This one cold-steeped was no exception. There was sweet floral that touched first, followed by nuttiness with smooth malt notes and then finishing with some earthy muskiness.
I still prefer my Giddapahar estate teas, they’re a little smoother with slightly less atringency. The earth flavors here though, really shine.
It’s like if I’m having a bad day, bad week or think I’m sick of tea for a while, I can grab one of these and it just coaxes me out of my slumps.
Summers are always good for these slumps because Fiance has several week long business trips in quick succession and I get weirdly lonely. I think the birds do too (or they feel it off me) because they don’t sing as much either. Perk up little peepers.
I never used to be very affected when my boyfriend/fiance went on business trips. But once we were married, something changed and I cried when he left. LOL!
It didn’t bother me much at all last year (except for the flu bug and fever I got) or the year before, but this year I’m just crazy weepy and lonely!
@CHAroma if you have a shirt of his that he’s worn and still smells like him it might settle you a bit to snuggle with it or even sleep with it…
3g / 200ml
Like a sweet morning kiss…. So tender and loving… :)
3g / 200ml glaspot water from Kunzan tetsubin.
3m @ 90C
Ah, a perfect single infusion. This is the mildest first flush iv´e tasted. Yet it is full of a slightly nutty vanilla. Some slight citrus on the aftertaste. The smell is very sweet.
Perfect for afternoon tea :)
3g / 200ml glaspot
3m/5m @ 90C
First time trying two infusions. The result was adequate, second cup was much lighter but still flavourful. A very clear aftertaste of citrus. Perhaps i will do 6m on second cup and see what happens.
Hopefully i will recieve the newly ordered Darjeeling kyusu made from the natural Sado mumyoi clay (oxidationfired) of sado island, Japan. The Namigaki technique is so wonderfully lowtech and aesthetically pleasing, hopefully it brewes a good pot of darjeeling aswell!
3g / 200ml glaspot
3m @ 100C
tried to break my brewinghabit and steeped this first flush in 100C instead of the usual 90C. It beared the heat well and didnt turn astringant, yet not as sweet as usual.
A contrasting break to this mornings pot of assam :)
3g / 200ml glaspot
3m @ 90C
Since i enjoy strong tea this cup sure is a treat. However it is even richer with water from the tetsubin, all that iron sure adds flavour. Anyone tried singbullis china varietals? Heard those are particulary nice.
This is probably the best first flush ivé tasted so far. :)
3g / 200ml glaspot.
3m @ 90C
Perfect cup of first flush. Singbullis firstflush is a powerfull cup. Nice and brisk the way i most enjoy a darjeeling. A tinge of spicyness on the tounge.
Refilled my tins from my Indian teabox. Found that i had a faitbit left of the arya pearl white tea. huzzah! bu since I am all out of second and autumn flush i went abit overboard ordering new teas. Even ordered a samplepack of assam! has 20% of today. My favorite store for darjeeling tea.
since today is laundyday i will be sipping loads of tea :)
3g / 200ml glaspot.
Forgot to press the timer but guess around 2-4min @ 90C
Was in the mood for a classic british cup of morning tea. So my choice really fell on a darjeeling since i dont really drink blended teas. Otherwise i guess a cup of earl grey would be in order.
This Singbulli is likely the best first flush darjeeling iv´e tried. I hope it lasts until the next harvest! The smell is sweet and fruity (ripe mango?), it smells sweet enough that you´d might think there was sugar added.
The flavor is sweet and a bit floral at first but soon it changes to a pleasant astringency and a spicy feel on the tip of the tounge. I guess this is a rather bold variant of first flush. So if you enjoy a powerful cup as I do, this is spot on!
Recieved my last restock of first flush darjeeling for 2013.
Among them was this much anticipated tea from Singbullis “Tingling” division.
The leaf is long and curly, green with a bit of silver.
Flowery fragrance.
6g / 400ml glaspot
Single infusion 3m @ 90C.
A powerful “thick” tea with loads of flavour and a dry astringency ever present. Now this is a first flush for me. The jungpana was also VERY good but this tea although similar flavours has a better balance of sweetness and astringency.
Top notch tea!
Tonight I decided to have Indian curry for dinner (which is a speciality of mine) and my post dinner tea pairing is this beautiful Darjeeling. After this pot I have one more left leaf quantity wise which I will try to drink shortly to make way for another. Darjeeling is usually a late spring/early summer craving of mine and it’s been very warm here in Leicester, the last few days have given highs of 17 C.
I’m using a new teapot too that my mother got me, it says ARABIA and underneath MADE IN FINLAND. A Finnish teapot is the first in my collection. It’s black and round with a large flat lid and a straw handle, giving it a Chinese/Japanese look. Not sure how much it holds but it looks like roughly 800ml.
Re-visiting a tea that I had previously rated 100/100 is always an interesting experience. Would I give it top marks now? Yes, if not top then very near to it. My memories of this tea were exact and I will be very sorry to see this one go. Goodbye my beloved Himalayan Mystic.
EDIT – I just found out that my new teapot is worth around $100! It’s from mid-late 1960’s and was designed by Ulla Procope. My mum saw it for £2 (not even $5) and got it me as a gift when we went out a few weeks ago. Obviously they had no idea what it was, well neither did I but thank you internet.