Tonight I decided to have Indian curry for dinner (which is a speciality of mine) and my post dinner tea pairing is this beautiful Darjeeling. After this pot I have one more left leaf quantity wise which I will try to drink shortly to make way for another. Darjeeling is usually a late spring/early summer craving of mine and it’s been very warm here in Leicester, the last few days have given highs of 17 C.
I’m using a new teapot too that my mother got me, it says ARABIA and underneath MADE IN FINLAND. A Finnish teapot is the first in my collection. It’s black and round with a large flat lid and a straw handle, giving it a Chinese/Japanese look. Not sure how much it holds but it looks like roughly 800ml.
Re-visiting a tea that I had previously rated 100/100 is always an interesting experience. Would I give it top marks now? Yes, if not top then very near to it. My memories of this tea were exact and I will be very sorry to see this one go. Goodbye my beloved Himalayan Mystic.
EDIT – I just found out that my new teapot is worth around $100! It’s from mid-late 1960’s and was designed by Ulla Procope. My mum saw it for £2 (not even $5) and got it me as a gift when we went out a few weeks ago. Obviously they had no idea what it was, well neither did I but thank you internet.