The Steeping Room
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Aroma: A little bit of smoke; nowhere near a smoked Lapsang.
Color: Brownish red
Tasting Notes: Smooth, warming, slightly smoky, but ever so vague.
Additional Notes: I will grab more of this soon. The Steeping Room’s site lists that they now have the 2025 batch in, and I ought to try to drink this tea more, when I get it. I had been encouraged to grab smoked teas, when one of my friends had inquired about smoked black tea. I ordered a few samples from The Steeping Room, and this one did not disappoint.
Thank you, Marshall for this sample!
Sorry Sheng, Shou is the way for me. I will keep trying Sheng but honestly, my heart stays with shou.
Dry appearance. Compact. Slightly dusty. Light brown and dark browns collide.
Wet Leaf Aroma: Old 1800s house. Cream of wheat. Vanilla. Pure vanilla with no fluff. I also want to say marzipan but it’s been a bit so that’s a maybe…
Liquor Color: Opps… I wasn’t paying attention >.< It’s super dark.
Flavor: This first session is a punch to the face. “Don’t ignore me!” it screams. Bitter. Tannic. Old wood. Resin. I think I’m on session six right now, and wow. Maybe it wasn’t all me. It steeps dark very quickly.
Mouthfeel: 1st: Astringent. 2nd bits of astringency but also softness.
It seems nice and smooth, no harshness that I am detecting either hot or cold and it is standing up well to full boiling water for steeping purposes.
However, I honestly can’t really identify what I am tasing. Its not quite a roasted flavor, but it has some similar vibes.
There’s a little sweetness as it cools, though less noticeable when hot.
Overall, not really my thing, but there’s nothing objectionable about it.
Didn’t expect much from this one given I had never heard of it before. And indeed, at least on my first try, I am very unimpressed. It seems this is part of the FT series based on other websites selling the cake.
Anyways, this one is just very uninteresting. The smell is exactly like a Xiaguan tea, but the taste is nothing like the typical profile. Regardless of how good it is after a rest, it’s not worth the price at all. Though, I will try it one more time after letting it acclimate, and will adjust my rating appropriately.
Flavors: Fruity, Smoke
This may be an unfair review as I am just getting over a cold, so I will try the tea again in the near future. But for now, my opinion stands. And btw, I got this sample with my second order from TSR, where I bought a tuo of 2007 V93 and a cake of 2007 Haiwan.
Given the fame of this recipe, I was expecting much more. There’s nothing wrong with this tea, it’s just bland and simple. Sure, it tastes like a shou puerh, but without much positive going for it. The primary flavor is death/decay and not much else.
Flavors: Decayed Wood, Earth
Hot, this isn’t bad. While I wouldn’t agree with honey tones, I do get a bit of a sweet vibe, maybe more towards fruity than honey.
The texture is smooth and there is a bit of thicker mouth feel than I would have normally expected.
As it cools, however, the flavor turns a bit. Its a little harsher and drier. Not bad, but less pleasant than it comes across as hot.
There might be a generic spice type scent to the leaves and brew, but nothing comes across in the flavor.
Its ok and I’ll finish my sample, but not something I will repurchase.
Have tried this a couple of times now but first chance making notes.
First steep does have a lovely raisin flavor to it. A little sweeter than I would like, but its nice. Base seems to be nothing special. It doesn’t fight with the raisin flavor but doesn’t seem to have much of its own to add into the mix. It does seem smooth and isn’t competing however.
Second steep is much less raisin. Base still seems smooth and still not adding much to the experience.
Third steep I very badly over stepped because work.
There’s no raisin flavor now. Base is harsh and a bit bitter. Kind of expected that.
Overall, this is ok. Think of it as a flavored tea. The first steep is pleasant and then it drops from there. I recommend one steep and then move on to something else.
I’ve got to remember to type out my notes somewhere else and then copy it when I’m ready to submit. More than a few times now I’ve lost everything because I clicked in the wrong area of the browser window and had the review closed on me. Serious, I really need to learn my lesson.
So, I came into this pretty blind. I made the order about 2 months ago now and the packet hadn’t yet been opened. So I had no memory of the description anymore.
I have a pretty low ratio of teas I like compared to teas I try. So I was a little surprised here. I actually like this.
The first thing I noticed is a fruity type vibe, though I couldn’t put a name to what kind of fruit. After a bit, I looked at the description again and yeah, I think apple might be fitting for that flavor. Its especially noticeable in the aftertaste where a lovely sweetness comes along with it. I don’t think I really get the spices thing though.
I also agree these is no to low astringency here steeped western style with full boiling water. Its not quite as smooth as it gets cold (hey, work has a lot of distractions), but still pretty good.
Second steep is also quite lovely. Still the apple and that sight sweetness in the aftertaste. Ugh, why didn’t I try this sooner?
Still going well by the 4th steep.
I don’t know yet if this is going to be a rebuy or not. If so, its not going to happen for a while. I ended up with way too much tea coming in between Back Friday and gifts from others. But I will consider it next time I make a restock order from The Steeping Room.
Final tea from my TSR order. Been meaning to try this shou for awhile as it’s on the lighter side of fermentation and is well-loved. I don’t sample shou as much anymore, but I think for the price, this is really nice and I’ll probably have to get a tuo. I just need to try it a couple more times before making up my mind.
This one tastes and smells more distinct than many of the shous I’ve had. Fruitier and less earthy, with a more potent sweetness and more interesting nose. I quite like it!
Flavors: Dirt, Earth, Fruity, Plum, Smooth, Sweet, Wet Earth, Wood
From my first ever order from TSR. First tea I’ve tried from Haiwan, and the 200th tea I’ve reviewed!!! This one is super yummy! I think there is a lot going on here and it’s hard to untangle.
There’s a nice mouthfeel with ever so slight of an astringent note that keeps you pining for more. The sweetness is pretty good and it’s got a good lasting flavor. I need to try it one more time after a bit of a rest, but I am almost 100% positive I am buying a cake of this 7452 homage very soon (at an amazing price – $0.19/g!).
Flavors: Astringent, Fruity, Honey, Sweet
So I will say I have tried this tea twice now and after a rest, the flavor has opened up some. It is certainly on the subtle end of shengs, though. I do quite like it, but I think at the price ($0.37/g), the Haiwan 7458 is a much better purchase. However, I’m glad to try this classic iron cake recipe that I have seen on so many puerh vendor websites!
Decent longevity of 12-15 infusions. Mild sweetness with no astringency or bitterness. But unfortunately, the smell does more than the flavor, so it’s not quite what I’m looking for at the moment. Make no mistake, though: I will definitely enjoy finishing the sample!
Flavors: Smoke, Sweet
First order from The Steeping Room in Austin, TX. I didn’t expect greatness from this one, but I just thought it would be fun to give it a try. This is made by a private factory in an attempt to imitate one of my favorite recipes (or just, my favorite?), 8582. I can see what they are going for in the first few steeps and it does give some similar notes to an 8582 during that time. The next infusions have more astringency than the real thing, though it’s not overpowering and somewhat pleasant. However, this does not have the same hui gan or power as the real thing, so it doesn’t quite measure up in the end. Still a fun experiment, and a bit cheaper for sure than the real thing.
Flavors: Astringent, Fresh, Hay, Honey
Made a cold brew over night and it does tone the bitterness down, but its still there sitting right outside of tolerable.
Most people are still going to want to add a sweetener of some kind.
Mixed about 50/50 with an orange pekoe cold brew. Flavor is unsurprisingly diminished, but there is still some of the flavor there. Bitterness is tamed, but still there in the aftertaste.
Might be able to sip it down this way.
I opened the packet and took a sniff and I immediately thought this is a familiar smell, but not of anything in the ingredients list. I seriously suspected citrusy and floral, but that was not it.
Let it steep for a while, not sure how long because I got distracted, but once I poured it into my cup and took another sniff that familiar scent just stood up and screamed at me. And then I could identify it, the smell of air popped popcorn. Completely unexpected.
The first sip and wow, that was harsh. My sense of bitter is a bit off, but I get the impression that the lemon and orange zest I was expecting is in fact the entire peel including the pith. In fact the ingredient list says peels, not zest. I agree with the description, I suspect this could use a touch of sweetener to help it along. Sadly, I don’t like putting sweeteners into my drinks.
I let it cool a bit (more distractions) and when I came back, that air popped popcorn scent has died down. The flavor isn’t quite as punch in the mouth as it had been really hot, but that orange and lemon pith is still there and its impossible to ignore it.
Some more sipping and I can get a sense of the sweet/sour from the rosehips. That’s actually quite enjoyable. But man, what I am assuming is the pith from the citrus peels is just too much for my tastes. Really a pity since otherwise I’m really enjoying the rest of the flavors.
I am wondering if that bitterness would be mitigated if I tried a cold brew.
Well they said that its a hint of cinnamon. I go more with barely perceptible. Maybe not even that.
The base is also not my kind of thing. Its more towards a breakfast type vibe, though not as harsh/brisk.
I may finish up this sample with a cold brew. Might work well.
6g of leaves in a 100ml gaiwan.
5 second rinse followed by a 5 minute rest
Stepping time started at 10 seconds and added 5 to 10 seconds per steep depending on previous cups strength.
This puerh is very different than any sheng I’ve had before and is delicious. Wet leaves smells like tart peach skins and dry grass clippings. First steepings are definitely floral and fruity on top of the typical sheng flavors. Orchid, plum, peach, hay and wood. It’s nuts.
Decent body and strength. Little astrengency or bitterness though I haven’t tried pushing it harder. The oolong like fruityness and florals begin to fade at around the 4th steep but remain noticeable throughout. Typically lasts for 6 to 8 steeps for me before needing 2 minutes, then I toss it.
This is almost an sheng puerh/ oolong crossover situation in the flavor and smell. It’s like a fresh sheng had a baby with a dan cong. Sometimes I can’t decide if I want an oolong or a sheng puerh. Now I don’t have to.
I treated it an 85 only because it’s an outlier to the typical sheng profile, but for my personal tastes, it’s easily in the mid 90s.
Flavors: Grassy, Hay, Hibiscus, Orchid, Peach
I’ve had this a couple more times. One thing that really stood out to me, once I had time to pay attention, was the sweetness. Its not in the sip, but after I swallowed, a sweet flavor stated to build like up from my throat to my mouth. Fascinating sensation, a returning sweetness.
It also resteeps well. Got something like 6-8 resteeps out of these leaves yesterday and it was till going well.
I’m really pleased I’ve been enjoying this as much as I have. I need to up my rating.
Yes, I am well aware that this is the lowest grade of white tea. But I wanted to try it plain as I’d only ever had it flavored. And hey, I really don’t care about grades. I like what I like, I don’t like what I don’t like. And I’ve had a few flavored whites that I believe use this as a base and it made me curious.
This is probably one of the least offensive teas I’ve ever tried. Very smooth, mouth feel is a little viscous (might be more pronounced if I steeped longer or used more leaf). No harshness, no bitterness, no astringency, no vegetal notes.
On the down side, there’s not a whole lot going for it either.
While there is a flavor to it, I am having difficulty really describing the flavors I do perceive. I’m not getting anything floral or earthy. Not really getting any sweetness either.
In fact, there are no flavors that really stand out, no real character other than the mouth feel. I can completely understand why this would be a choice for a flavored white tea. Its not going to compete with anything you mix it with. The thicker mouth feel can even add a little bonus.
Second steep is pretty much the same as the first.
Verdict: I like it, though I don’t know if its enough to seek this out again. However, its so cheap, you never know.
Might even try it out to see how it works as a cold brew or iced. I can imagine it being refreshing. My brain keeps wanting to add sliced strawberry to the glass.
Free sample I got in a recent order.
This is probably the best Darjeeling I’ve ever tried. Its much less harsh, astringent, and bitter. But at the same time, there’s just nothing special about it either. Its just an ok black tea as far as my tastes are concerned. I’ll finish the sample I got, but that’s about it.
I’ve wanted to like Darjeelings so much, but they just don’t seem to be my thing. I’ve really got to stop trying to convince myself that I like, or will like, things I don’t. Its one thing to retry things once in a while to see how your tastes might have changed. Its a completely other thing to try to force yourself to like something you don’t.
I tried this last week, but work happened. I drastically oversteeped the first cup (around 10m) and was too busy to think about any additional steeps I did. On the plus side, over steeping didn’t make it harsh in anyway, just a lot stronger than I tend to like.
I am really enjoying this. Reminds me a lot of Golden Snail. In fact, it might just be the same thing.
Warm, mellow, a wee bit drying in the mouth, but not by much and it doesn’t detract from the flavor. The best I can describe the flavor is maybe bready, maybe biscuity?
Cold brew sip down.
I think this was a mistake. The roasted flavor is dominant and this is not the kind of flavor I like in a cold drink at all. I though at first there was an almost raisiny like aftertaste, but that was only brief and hasn’t showed up again.
Now its just all roast.