The Simple Leaf
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Time for some Oolong!
I almost (almost!) wish that I had postponed brewing this tea, because, shortly after I had, there was a knock on the door from FedEx delivering my order from Old Wilmington. Woo hoo – I like it when I receive two tea orders in one day! (The other one was from 52Teas)
But, I’m only “almost” wishing I had postponed this brewing, because, well, it’s hard to be disappointed in having a cup of this fantastic Oolong tea.
The honey notes are really profound in this cup. You really don’t need to add anything extra to the cup to get all this sweetness… it just naturally tastes like honey! In fact, this reminds me a lot of back when I was much younger. When I used to get sick, before I really got “into” tea the way I am now, and if I happened to be out of tea, I would heat up some water, squeeze a little lemon and add a generous dollop of honey… and drink hot, honeyed lemon water to soothe my sore throat. That is what this tastes like, sans the lemon.
Yummy Yummy Oolong! Many more infusions to enjoy!
Time for my daily Oolong! No… I don’t have Oolong every SINGLE day, but I do try to. It is my favorite tea, after all!
This is the first time I’m tasting this Oolong from The Simple Leaf, but I was so incredibly impressed with “Dawn” that I have high expectations. Also, it is an Oolong from Nepal, and I have had a couple of Oolongs from Nepal and have loved them. So… yeah… I expect big taste from this cup of Oolong.
And it delivers! Not my favorite Oolong, but it is really good. Distinct notes of honey in the aroma and the taste. Pleasant mouthfeel – not as thick and buttery as a greener Oolong would be, but, very smooth and silky. It also possesses a woodsy character and a fruit-like quality to it. It is quite a bit lighter in flavor than other Oolongs, so I think the next time I brew this tea I’ll steep a little longer.
I have this one too! I really should sample it soon. But I have horrible allergies right now so I don’t think I could do it justice. What’s your favorite oolong?
Ali Shan High Mountain from Norbu:
LOVE it.
I have pretty horrible allergies too, fortunately though, my Allergi-TEA and the local raw honey is doing it’s job and I’m experiencing fewer and fewer symptoms with each new day. A week ago… I was a mess!
Thanks! I have to check out Norbu! I waiting on some oolong samples from Teaspring. After them, Norbu’s Ali Shan is next!
I’m drinking pu-erh right now and it seems to be helping somehow. But I still feel blech.
I’m on to my second infusion of these leaves. The second infusion produces a much earthier taste. Honey notes still there although they are much softer. The woodsy characteristics I mentioned earlier are much more pronounced in the second steeping. Floral notes are more evident in this infusion as well.
I’ve not had this tea in awhile, since it’s not for sale anymore, and I am not very good about coming to terms with that fact. Still. After all this time.
My husband requested something “different” for our afternoon tea and since I had been thinking about this one a lot lately I thought it was time to have some. I have perhaps an ounce left? Whimper.
It’s just as wonderful as I remember it. I still can’t get over how much chocolate and caramel flavor is in this single estate, pure tea. As we drank our cups, I and my husband kept repeating, “I can’t believe how good this is.” like a broken record.
It’s really a tragedy that the Simple Leaf is no longer in business. Has anyone heard anything?
This was on my list to order, and I missed out! If ANYONE hears what the source was and how to get it, I would love to know!
My understanding is that it was from Arunachal Pradesh (location) and the Abali tea estate but my searches for another importer were not successful! I remember wanting to get into the tea business when I heard that the Simple Leaf was no longer in order to keep this tea coming to America. I am only half kidding!!
Thought I might as well have a Simple Leaf weekend :) This tea is on severe ration – I probably have 10 pots left – forever! The thought makes me so sad, because gosh, what a tea! Roasty, chocolatey, chicory, caramel, earthy, DELICIOUS! Just simply exquisite. So unique. So good.
I’m done my paper! 14 intense pages. I am very happy and relieved. I wanted to drink some tea in celebration, and I chose Dawn. All I had to do was smell it as it was steeping, and I knew I made the right choice. I am almost embarrassed to say that I audibly moaned when that earthy chocolatey aroma hit. Ohhh, this one is so special.
No matter how many times I drink it, I can’t get over the flavor. Tangy malty chocolatey earthy chicory planty. This tea hits me in a primal place. I just want to say Mrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooowwwwwww like a very happy cat and leave it at that!
This tea is just a miracle! A delicious, mindblowing miracle! Now that I had the Wuyi oolong yesterday, I detect some of the same roasty flavors in this one too! I wonder if the tea growing region in Arunachal Pradesh India is similar to the Wuyi region in China (the Dawn description does talk about mists!). This one is chocolatier and darker, but that deep chicory roasted nut like flavor is present in both.
I haven’t had this one in awhile, and I was a little hesitant to drink it again because I had so very flipped over it when I first tasted it. I don’t have to worry – I’m sitting here in wide eyed wonder once again. Gaaah! This tea is great.
I’m going to go boil some more water for a second cup :)
I was really excited to make this today at home so I could have a cup with my husband. I knew he would love this one. I wish you could have seen his face when he tasted it! He thought it was a revelation. I showed him the story of the way the tea was produced on and we marveled over this natural wonder!!!!
So good. So unique. He compared it to a chai/not chai. I explained my coffee/chicory/chocolate/caramel/ not coffee/chicory/chocolate/caramel theory and he thought I nailed it :) He just yelled from the other room “I think this is my favorite tea!!!”
I’m telling you – a revelation! <3
This tea courtesy of Doulton!
I am very excited because I’ve been wanting to try this tea ever since I read about it. The leaves are absolutely GORGEOUS! Long, dark and handsome! It’s so hard to believe they are not blended with chocolate!!
This tea is ridiculous, and I mean that in the most highly complimentary way possible! It’s deliciously tea-ish and a chocolatey roasty flavor. Not hot chocolate, not coffee, not chicory although all these things come to mind. It’s something all it’s own and simply sublime!!! I want to wander the streets and go up to random strangers and say “Taste this tea! It is simply pure camellia sinensis, but have you EVER tasted anything like it!?!?!?!?”
Now that it is cooling a bit I am tasting a caramel note joining in with the tea/chocolate/coffee/chicory. Wow. This is one of the highlights of my tea tasting experiences thus far!!!! THANK YOU DOULTON!!!!!
EDIT: Great resteep! 6 minutes, more roasty chicory chocolate. Lighter but so delicious. Better than many teas first steep! but steep #1 is the best one.
Stop! You’re making me drool! o.O
The info on Steepster doesn’t seem to say, but do you know anything about where it’s from? It’s kind of reminding me of my Tan Yang with the natural cocoa notes.
This is interesting actually! It’s from Arunachal Pradesh which (from wikipedia):
Arunachal Pradesh is a federated state of India, located in the far northeast. It borders the states of Assam and Nagaland to the south and southeast, and shares borders with Burma/Myanmar in the east, Bhutan in the northwest, and Tibet (part of China) in the north. The majority of its territory is claimed by the People’s Republic of China which regards the claimed area as South Tibet. The current border is the McMahon Line agreed upon by Great Britain and the then de facto independent Tibet in a 1914 treaty. The Chinese government of the time had not been party to the treaty, resulting in a dispute over the treaty’s legitimacy. Itanagar is the capital of the state.
Arunachal Pradesh means “land of the dawn lit mountains”1 in Sanskrit. It is also known as “land of the rising sun”2 (“pradesh” means “state” or “region”) in reference to its position as the easternmost state of India. Most of the people native to and/or living in Arunachal Pradesh are of Tibeto-Burman origin. A large and increasing number of migrants have reached Arunachal Pradesh from many other parts of India, although no reliable population count of the migrant population has been conducted, and percentage estimates of total population accordingly vary widely. Part of the famous Ledo Burma Road, which was a lifeline to China during World War II, passes through the eastern part of the state.
Interesting. Also strange that it sounds like it’s so similar to the Tan Yang, because that one’s from the Fujian province, so it’s not even remotely in the same area! I think you would enjoy the Tan Yang. Sadly I don’t have enough left to share, or I’d have sent you some. :(
Once I get a proper size of this I will send you some!! I’ll PM you when I order, probably in a month :)
Okay, that’s it! I’m getting this now. I’ve put it off long enough, but that is totally happening. Mentioning chicory to someone who grew up drinking coffee from New Orleans…yeah. Done!
oh the romance of it – “land of the dawn lit mountains” – doesn’t that inspire one with images of beauty and serenity and peaceful graceful tea drinking?
I can’t believe it’s not blended with chocolate either! It’s totally amazing. But have you noticed that the sides of the bag look like they’re dusted with cocoa?
I felt like something chocolatey tonight, so I chose this. Mmm….cocoa and roasted peanuts in a cup! This has a dry, bake-y, nutty flavor that I find very delicious. It tastes like those Mexican Ibarra Cocoa tablets except without the sugar. There’s this heavy sprinkling of roasted peanut shells-taste in the mix too.
Super comforting and super yummy!
Okay..second steeping..
Aroma is of roasted nuts, caramel and…cocoa powder. First sip is definitely like roasted nuts—like the inside of a peanut shell, sort of dry and toasty like that—but not salty. Subsequent sips as the tea cools…tastes more peanut buttery to me. Maybe like brazil nuts. Chocolate lingers on the aftertaste.
I know this is not a flavored tea. While I enjoy flavored teas, they only aspire to be this— compared to Dawn, they are shadows…just brash imitators. Dawn shines with quiet confidence.
Guys, this is the real deal. A must try. Don’t miss it!
Just a quick blurb before dinner:
Oh my god, this is cocoa tea!! Everything about this tea is cocoa-ish—from the dry leaves, to the brewed aroma, to the taste! It’s like bittersweet, malty cocoa. Gosh, how many times can I say “cocoa” in this note? But that’s the best thing I can compare this to. It’s smooth, slightly smoky cocoa. Please get this if cocoa (or chocolate) is your love!
@Erin – and they know it at simpleleaf : – congrats you are on the front page!
I’m glad you finally decided to try this. It really is good. Perhaps the best unflavored black tea I’ve yet to try… I would be hard pressed to think of an unflavored black tea that is better!
Me too! I have so many teas to try and I’ve mostly gravitated toward the flavored ones, but this one (like Jackee) was a revelation!
Unfortunately, I missed out on the Andrews & Dunham series 2 – I’ve been reading so many fine reviews of them that I wish I could have tried these two. I have been seriously contemplating ordering series 3, but, the one thing that is causing me to hesitate is the Caravan… I am not a fan of smoky teas. Maybe if I could find someone to go in half with me, and take the Caravan so that I knew it was going to a happy home.
My order for series 3 just came today! And I actually got it because of Caravan! Wow, it’s amazing how my tastes have changed since I first started this tea journey. Before Steepster, I only really liked the flowery stuff. Now the smoky, earthy teas intrigue me.
Yes, our tastes do change a bit over time – I have grown quite fond of the grassy nature of green teas – when before, this was something that was so off-putting for me! I hated Dragon Well teas, now I adore them! Unfortunately, my feelings have not changed for the strong smoky teas.
This was my “christening” tea for my Breville. It tastes fantastic, as I expected it would. Rich, chocolate-y and so good. My Dawn is all gone now. I am so sad that The Simple Leaf is gone too. But, I am glad that I saved this little bit for the first brewing in my Breville because it made the occasion all the more special. Here is a link to my full-length review of this tea:
It is always a pleasure to start the day with this tea in my favorite mug. It is so good. (so good in fact, I’m increasing my rating for it a little bit)
The roasted cocoa flavor is so delightful.
I am seriously like the last person to try this tea! I was looking over the reviews and it seems like everyone’s had it!
I haven’t really, either, Suzi. I have tasted it but not with my mind on it enough to write up a note.
Never fear,’ll probably beat me to it, though I am intrigued; don’t believe I’ve read a review of this yet that wasn’t positively positive.
Starting the day with these lovely leaves.
This tea still amazes me. It is so good. Smooth, delicious, and yet robust enough to get me going. It is the best unflavored black tea I’ve ever encountered.
I haven’t had this tea in a while, because, well, I hid it from myself so I wouldn’t be tempted. This is quite possibly the best black tea (at least, unflavored/non-chai/non-earl grey black tea) that I’ve ever tasted. It’s simply awesome.
Roast-y, toasty flavor, with a pleasant earthy quality to it. A savory cocoa note that I’ve not found in any other tea the way it is in this one. This tea stands alone! Amazing, delicious! Delightful!
Here is the review that I wrote for it on The Tea Review Blog:
Now that I feel human again (thanks Allergi-TEA), I can move on to some Simple Leaf. I just love this tea! I just got it yesterday – but – it is HEAVENLY.
Nutty notes, cocoa, roasty/smoky notes… simply divine. I’m off to write a review of it for the Tea Review Blog!
My order from The Simple Leaf arrived today and I’m so excited to try this tea! I’ve been reading some really fantastic reviews about this tea on Steepster, so my expectations are high.
The aroma is amazing. I can smell the hint of cocoa, and there is a deep earthy undertone to it as well… almost smoky, but not quite. I think I’d describe it as a roasted characteristic – kind of like roasted cacao beans.
The flavor is remarkable. Very smooth. Honey-like sweetness with an appealing cocoa note. Lovely, complex, and absolutely delightfully delicious.
I thank each and every one who had reviewed this tea previously – it was your reviews that inspired me to try it, and I’m so very glad that I have.
Another tea that you can drink on a daily basis. The flavor is light, but refreshing. There are some honey notes and these are nicely enhanced by the addition of a little sweetener. Another winner and one I will probably rebuy when the tea cupboard starts to get a little bare.
Yum!! I had this tea hot with vanilla soy ceamer for breakfast. It has a nice sweet flavor that asserts itself well with the creamer. BUT—I liked it even better iced! You can get a lot of infusions out of this tea, I made the third one iced and it was quite good. It has a cooling kind of aftertaste that suites iced tea well.
Definitely a keeper!
This some how came in with my order from the Simple leaf ? I don’t know if I ordered on accident or if they sent me a whole pouch as a sample I haven’t went back to check my C.C. bill yet. (Please don’t tell :) anyway it is just as the other reviews have so correctly stated a smoky flavored green tea. I don’t love it I don’t hate it but I for sure would not order it!
BTW the leaves are dark green and quite lovely.
23 days ago I wrote a rather luke-warm review of this tea. I got it out today to send a sample to Lena and decided to give it a try. It’s not been the most successful tea day for me for various reasons and I thought that an uncomplicated, unblended straight-up tea would be a good cure-all for whatever it is that ails me (Who saw “Office Space?” “Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays?” Well, that’s me. I recommend this movie highly. Put aside any reservations you might have about Jennifer Aniston and see this now! “Office Space,” however, did get me into some flabberghasting moments with my students. I told them I wanted them to add “pieces of flair” to their writing. A student’s idea of a piece of written flair is to say that something is “very unique”.
I apologize for the bad digression. In any event, I’ve finished my mug of Black Frost and my opinion is revised considerably. Since I first tasted this tea, I’ve been exposed to too many blends; to quite a few bad teas, and to too many meek and shy little teas.
Black Frost is a bold single note Nilgari. It brews up into a good strong cup that does not play around. It does have some taste overtones—slightly vegetal for a black and a bit sweet but not in a bad way. I don’t think it has the taste complexity of Dawn, also by “The Simple Leaf” but it’s a good no-nonsense tea. I think such teas should win higher accolades. It has made me perk up from my cast of the “Mondays” (not to mention that the clock is right at 3 PM).
Nice to get some real caffeine here, too.
Second infusion is just as lovely as the first. Deep, golden brown colored liquor, sweet honey taste. delicious!
Oh! That sounds good!
I managed three full-flavored infusions from the leaves… I probably could have gotten at least one more, but, I am anxious to try some of the honeybush I got from 52Teas!!!