drank Dawn by The Simple Leaf
314 tasting notes

Just a quick blurb before dinner:

Oh my god, this is cocoa tea!! Everything about this tea is cocoa-ish—from the dry leaves, to the brewed aroma, to the taste! It’s like bittersweet, malty cocoa. Gosh, how many times can I say “cocoa” in this note? But that’s the best thing I can compare this to. It’s smooth, slightly smoky cocoa. Please get this if cocoa (or chocolate) is your love!

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec

This is my #1 favorite tea!


@Erin – and they know it at simpleleaf : http://www.thesimpleleaf.com/ – congrats you are on the front page!


I just ordered some of this because it sounds so terrific!


I’m glad you finally decided to try this. It really is good. Perhaps the best unflavored black tea I’ve yet to try… I would be hard pressed to think of an unflavored black tea that is better!


Me too! I have so many teas to try and I’ve mostly gravitated toward the flavored ones, but this one (like Jackee) was a revelation!


Unfortunately, I missed out on the Andrews & Dunham series 2 – I’ve been reading so many fine reviews of them that I wish I could have tried these two. I have been seriously contemplating ordering series 3, but, the one thing that is causing me to hesitate is the Caravan… I am not a fan of smoky teas. Maybe if I could find someone to go in half with me, and take the Caravan so that I knew it was going to a happy home.


My order for series 3 just came today! And I actually got it because of Caravan! Wow, it’s amazing how my tastes have changed since I first started this tea journey. Before Steepster, I only really liked the flowery stuff. Now the smoky, earthy teas intrigue me.


Yes, our tastes do change a bit over time – I have grown quite fond of the grassy nature of green teas – when before, this was something that was so off-putting for me! I hated Dragon Well teas, now I adore them! Unfortunately, my feelings have not changed for the strong smoky teas.


LiberTEAS, I bet if you put up a post in the Discussions someone would offer to split or trade with you for the Caravan – there are a lot of smoky lovers around Steepster. I’d offer, but I already made a similar trade with JacquelineM ;)

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This is my #1 favorite tea!


@Erin – and they know it at simpleleaf : http://www.thesimpleleaf.com/ – congrats you are on the front page!


I just ordered some of this because it sounds so terrific!


I’m glad you finally decided to try this. It really is good. Perhaps the best unflavored black tea I’ve yet to try… I would be hard pressed to think of an unflavored black tea that is better!


Me too! I have so many teas to try and I’ve mostly gravitated toward the flavored ones, but this one (like Jackee) was a revelation!


Unfortunately, I missed out on the Andrews & Dunham series 2 – I’ve been reading so many fine reviews of them that I wish I could have tried these two. I have been seriously contemplating ordering series 3, but, the one thing that is causing me to hesitate is the Caravan… I am not a fan of smoky teas. Maybe if I could find someone to go in half with me, and take the Caravan so that I knew it was going to a happy home.


My order for series 3 just came today! And I actually got it because of Caravan! Wow, it’s amazing how my tastes have changed since I first started this tea journey. Before Steepster, I only really liked the flowery stuff. Now the smoky, earthy teas intrigue me.


Yes, our tastes do change a bit over time – I have grown quite fond of the grassy nature of green teas – when before, this was something that was so off-putting for me! I hated Dragon Well teas, now I adore them! Unfortunately, my feelings have not changed for the strong smoky teas.


LiberTEAS, I bet if you put up a post in the Discussions someone would offer to split or trade with you for the Caravan – there are a lot of smoky lovers around Steepster. I’d offer, but I already made a similar trade with JacquelineM ;)

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Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Rising

My ratings are purely subjective and each note varies according to my perception and mood at the moment. So, with that said, my rating scale can be deciphered as follows:
90-100: I am in love! A must have at all times! :D
80-89: This is good. It is full-tin worthy! :))
79-70: This is okay. Glad I tried it. Might get more. :)
69-60: Meh. I’m indifferent. Neither here nor there, this is Tea Purgatory. :/
59-under: Mediocre and Sad. Really not good enough to try again. A disappointment. :(

My Misc. Personal Favorites List (because I love making lists!):
Books = The Mind Parasites by Colin Wilson, The Neverending Story by Michael Ende, Beauty by Sherri S. Tepper, The Shell Seekers by Rosamunde Pilcher, Personal Darkness by Tanith Lee.
Movies = E.T., The Princess Bride, Babette’s Feast, Enchanted April, The Age of Innocence, Death Becomes Her, GATTACA, Fight Club, The Matrix, The Others, Pride and Prejudice (2005 version), Nacho Libre :).
TV Shows = The Twilight Zone (a classic!), Star Trek TNG, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (I miss this!), Mad Men, Sherlock, Being Human.
Music? = I find myself perennially stuck in an 80’s-90’s New Wave & Alternative time warp. ;)
Quote of the Day: “There really isn’t anything; only the story appearing now—and not even that.”


San Francisco, CA

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