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Recent Tasting Notes

drank Genmaicha by TeaSource
13 tasting notes

This is one of the two teas I drink on a daily basis. I brew it at 170 degrees F for 2.5 minutes on the first brew and 5 minutes on the second.

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This is one of the two teas I drink on a daily basis. I brew it at 170 degrees F for 2.5 minutes on the first brew and 5 minutes on the second.

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160 degrees. 2.5 minutes. used to steep this too hot, a thermometer to calibrate my electric kettle setting made a huge difference.

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boiling. steeped 5 minutes. tobacco-leather and burnt sugar kind of taste.


That’s quite the description there Richard! LOL! I’ve never known how to describe it since it’s a relatively unique flavor so I refer to it as the “Keemun” flavor. Not being a smoker I’m not sure how accurate you are but I could imagine it to be pretty close.

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160 degrees. 3 minute steep. This batch is getting a bit old. Need to get a fresh batch.

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