Tea Leaves

Recent Tasting Notes

Robust and smooth Ceylon black tea expanded in the sachet like one of those dinosaur sponges in a capsule. Tastewise, this was a casualty of COVID. Impressions of dark wet tobacco, dark rainforest shadows, copper. I remember a little bergamot and the feeling of cool lavender. High octane and good for 2 steeps — keep your eye on the first steep.

Flavors: Bergamot, Dark Wood, Lavender, Metallic, Rainforest, Smooth, Tobacco, Wet Wood

205 °F / 96 °C 10 OZ / 295 ML

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Boiling 4 min, 45 sec

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drank Cherry Ripe by Tea Leaves
30 tasting notes

It’s not going to punch you in the face with flavours but that’s what you get when a tea has natural flavouring instead of a T2 esqsue cherrychocacrazybomb type tea. Not a tonne of Cherry notes, very soft chocolate notes, and no visisble coconut, but it was a nice tea anyway.

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There’s a lot of material in the sachet! I was expecting a very strong cup because of that but it was just a clean herbaceous, moderate intensity peppermint. Didn’t get stewy or biting sipped grandpa style in a large mug. Recommended for sippers who enjoy peppermint but don’t want to be blasted by menthol.

195 °F / 90 °C 8 min or more

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This one is just okay for me. I suppose I have a high standard for what I like in my rooibos blends.. especially with something as simple as a vanilla rooibos tea. I’m glad that the rooibos isn’t medicinal or too strange tasting. The vanilla seems to be in the background, but isn’t anything special. I would have loved for this blend to have been more rich, creamy even.. but it just seems to be a rather basic vanilla rooibos. It’s drinkable, certainly.. but isn’t something I’d go out of my way to buy again. I wish there were more depth and flavor.

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In the three times I have brewed this, this is somehow the first time I actually went ahead and took tasting notes.

I really don’t enjoy this blend. I find it is bitter and bold, but those can be overcome by adding sweetener or milk is needed. This tea is sour. Even with milk added it isn’t very palatable. I’ve done a coldbrew. I’ve tried it straight, and now I’ve tried it as a latte. This tea just isn’t in any way good. As for tasting notes, I did pick out orange/citrus, burnt wood, and a whole lot of tannin (typical strong breakfast black). No cocoa or malt I’m afraid.

Flavors: Bitter, Citrus, Dark Wood, Orange Zest, Sour, Tannic, Tannin

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec 17 OZ / 500 ML

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I initially thought I may have found the perfect every day green tea because I didn’t taste any hint of bitterness or astringency, but after a few sips I found it to be quite drying and astringent, with a bit of tang. No pear/fruity taste at all, but I liked the green tea taste. It was flavourful but not vegetal/plant stem flavoured like so many green teas are. Overall I wish it had pear flavour but I liked the taste of the green tea base (other than the drying sensation.)

Flavors: Astringent, Drying, Green, Round

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec 19 OZ / 550 ML

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I had this with milk and brown sugar and it was delicious. Very smooth and flavourful (mostly because I never took the teabag out.) One teabag did a large mug of tea and brewed quite strong, which I think is pretty good for a tea bag. I could taste bergamot and dried orange peel, which were both pleasant. Overall it blended well and tasted strong but very smooth.

Flavors: Bergamot, Citrus, Creamy, Orange Zest, Tannin

Boiling 8 min or more 19 OZ / 550 ML

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I think I oversteeped this tea. It is overly bitter, can’t really taste anything else. This will definitely wake you up, but not in a good way.

Some Teas can withstand 5 minutes of steeping and taste great, but this tastes like I am eating bitter leaves or drinking super bitter beer.

185 °F / 85 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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drank Cherry Ripe by Tea Leaves
15618 tasting notes

thank you Beelicious! I didn’t know what to expect from this one – what i got, however, was a cup of vanilla coconut with nary a cherry to be found lol. It was still a decent enough cup of tea but loses major points for not having any cherry flavour for me to find haha.

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drank Billy Tea by Tea Leaves
15618 tasting notes

tea from beelicious! this was an interesting one that she added to our swap. I’m all for surprises so i didn’t really know what to expect when i brewed this one up. this is essentially smoke + eucalyptus. This almost works for me…almost. The smoke is more campfire smoke than the more subtle smoke that i love. however, it’s an interesting blend and i’m glad for the chance to try it. :) thnaks bee!

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drank Billy Tea by Tea Leaves
217 tasting notes

I’m sitting outside drinking a cup of this while while the rest of the house snoozes, there’s a slight chill in the air and I’m listening to the morning song of the magpies and willy wagtails be almost drowned out by a large flock of rainbow lorikeets squabbling over the choicest perching locations of a nearby palm tree… And suddenly, I feel like I’m home!

This tea describes itself as a blend of smoky and tropical Australian tea with a touch of eucalyptus.. A billy is a tradition tea kettle drovers and settlers used to use over a camp fire to make tea and this blend captures that taste perfectly! I don’t get much eucalyptus and honestly the scent reminds me of smoked bacon!! But if I close my eyes, sip my tea and listen to the birds I really do feel as if I’m in the middle of nowhere drinking a cup of fire brewed billy tea!

Not going to rate as I feel this teas really Would be an acquired taste and probably isn’t for everyone but I’m glad I got my hands on some! Now I’m off to see if I can get some good photos of these squawking, rioting larikeets!!

Mikumofu 10 years ago

sounds amazing- both the tea and the birdsong!

DeliriumsFrogs 10 years ago

What a lovely tasting note :)

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drank Cherry Ripe by Tea Leaves
217 tasting notes

After a 11 hour day at work, jumping straight in the car afterwards to drive to LA, waiting around at LAX for four hours, jumping on a 16 hour flight and having Friday never exist for me I was pretty darn exhausted today! We arrived in Oz early morning and cleared customs and immigration ridiculously quick, grabbed the rental car and after a quick cheeky flat white for energy and because, hey, real flat white peoples! We finally made it to my in laws house in Melbourne.

After showering to get the long haul plane smell out of our nostrils my MIL decided that it’s a beautiful day and we could all do with some fresh air so let’s road trip out to this cute little tea room in the dandenongs… And best of all, she whispered conspiratorially to me, there’s a tea shop right next door… Does this woman know me or what??

I was like a kind in a candy store when I walked in the door of Tea Leaves and had to restrain myself (remembering baggage allowance limits helps!) to taking home just a couple of their 300 teas!

This was on the top of my list because the dry leaf really did remind me of a cherry ripe… All chocolate, coconut and cherry! As soon as we got back home I brewed up a cup… The flavor unfortunately dosent live up to the scent. I definitely get a good amount of cherry although it tastes a little artificial, there’s some chocolate notes as well as a slight hint of vanilla and coconut but something is just a little off for me… Never mind, I know the hubby will help sip down the 50g bag I have.

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This is plain and simply a nice straightforward black blend. I tried my sample both plain and with a dash of milk and sugar. Didn’t blow me away, didn’t disappoint me. No rush to restock but I enjoyed.

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drank Australian Sencha by Tea Leaves
1024 tasting notes

My first taste of this sample was pretty negative, but I had some (recommended) dried pineapple in there with it. I think it was the dried pineapple that threw me off, actually. I gave it another go sans additions and it was much more like a Sencha I’m used to, but with the guts of an Aussie-grown blend in there. Interesting.

I’m going to try the last of this Monstrositea sample with some other Sencha I’ve got in my cupboard. (Then I’ll be able to sip down some more Sencha too, which is good for someone who isn’t often drawn to drinking greens.)

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drank Australian Sencha by Tea Leaves
1024 tasting notes

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drank Orange Blossom Oolong by Tea Leaves
1024 tasting notes

Not sure what I was expecting from this oolong but whatever it is, I was expecting more. Hot brew was eh, fine, cold brew for around four-five hours was nowhere near long enough—unless that was actually just all the flavour I could get? Ah well.

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drank Orange Blossom Oolong by Tea Leaves
1024 tasting notes

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Apparently, many people find matcha too bitter, but I have never found it so. Brewed at a lower temperature, this is sweet and green and pure. It doesn’t taste like grass… it doesn’t taste like fruit… it doesn’t taste like herbs… it tastes like sencha and matcha. It’s divine. The second infusion is even more sweet and mellow. It is deeply, deeply calming.

Flavors: Butter

180 °F / 82 °C 0 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 6 OZ / 177 ML

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First taste of tea #2 in the Monstrositea April box—seeing as I already had an Iron Goddess in the Mr. Earl April box I was feeling a little over IGs, but in the spirit of trying everything in my subscription boxes I busted some of the Tea Leaves variety today.

I blatantly ignored the note that only a few leaves were needed and to be fair, I needed a full teaspoon of leaves to get decent flavour for my tastebuds, but it ended up going much better than expected. Very nice. I’ll try this again soon.

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drank Black Almond Vanilla by Tea Leaves
1024 tasting notes

Another joyous discovery, another sad farewell! This is a delicately flavoured black tea that I look forward to restocking once I reduce my current flavoured black tea stocks! This one will make a lovely breakfast tea for guests to replace the Melbourne Breakfast I have tinned at the moment. Drink up, guests!

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drank Black Almond Vanilla by Tea Leaves
1024 tasting notes

First I oversteeped today’s brew a little and then I overcompensated with a liberal application of sugar—I don’t even think it was required, in hindsight. A couple of extra minutes of steeping hasn’t destroyed this tea at all. I’m so happy with it. Delicious black flavoured tea. I would never have approached this if it weren’t in my Monstrositea March box. Hooray for subscriptions!

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec
Sami Kelsh 11 years ago

I love getting surprise teas! It’s a voyage of discovery :)

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