Tea Forte

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drank White Ambrosia by Tea Forte
6768 tasting notes

Prior to steeping this smells like flowers and coconut. The coloring is that of a darker white tea or maybe even looking more like a steeped Oolong (color wise). During and after steep you can smell the white tea scent more with a hint of coconut and earthy or floral smell. The taste is unique. It’s sweet but flavorful eventho it’s hard to pick out the different flavors as they blend perfectly with each other. The Coconut is NOT overpowering at all…what a delightful blend. I really like this. I wonder how it does on the resteep? Might have to try that later.

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drank Coco Truffle by Tea Forte
6768 tasting notes

WAY too much of something not so great today and not enough chocolate but I remember thinking this one was alright so I will stick to it for now…

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drank Coco Truffle by Tea Forte
6768 tasting notes

Prior to steep it smells like a chocolate/Hazelnut Coffee. The coloring is a medium brown and semi cloudy. After steeping it smells more like a plain nutty coffee/Tea blend. The packaging and Infusion presentation is neat. This sample isn’t what I would normal pick out for myself but I am glad that I am trying it. It’s pretty good without being overwhelming. I don’t think I would buy it individually but am enjoying the sample. Therefore I will give it a thumbs up.

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drank Citrus Mint by Tea Forte
260 tasting notes

This was tucked under some other tea in my Forte sampler pack and thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster I found it because I was in desperate need of some herbal tea tonight. Brought the water to a full boil and let this sit for a little over five minutes. Bliss. The mint is refreshing and I got the slightest hint of that citrus flavor. Not enough to bring any bitterness to the table. Like a breath of fresh air. Just what I needed.

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drank Flora by Tea Forte
260 tasting notes

I’m out of Ocean of Wisdom. Luckily I have this to tide me over until I get some more. I accidentally steeped it longer than I had planned [like ten minutes…whoops], and I think I actually like it better this way. Thank Zeus herbals are so forgiving.

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drank Flora by Tea Forte
260 tasting notes

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drank Flora by Tea Forte
260 tasting notes

I decided to try something else from Tea Forte tonight and was pleasantly surprised. Flora is very tart right off the bat but sweetens quickly [sans additives]. It vaguely reminds me of that Passion Tea Lemonade stuff I was obsessed with at Starbucks one summer. I steeped it for the recommended five minutes and found that to be enough. Drinking a small amount that had cooled in my mug makes me think that this would be VERY good chilled.

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drank Chamomile Tisane by Tea Forte
260 tasting notes

I usually drink loose tea, but I received a sampler pack from Tea Forte a while back and I like to try things from it every once in a while. I was looking for something non-caffeinated because caffeine tends to stay in my system for hours, and I do enjoy my sleep.

I also enjoy a good chamomile. There was nothing mind blowing about this one, but it was definitely good. Tasted like…chamomile. And a hint of citrus [I’m guessing from the orange peel they listed on their web site]. The scent is very warm and homey, and drinking it was calming and comforting, like chamomile should be.

Plus Tea Forte’s infusing bags are super cute. [Christ, how much of a girl am I?]

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drank Earl Grey by Tea Forte
1 tasting notes

Drank it black with a teaspoon of Agave Nectar. Perfection.

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drank Earl Grey by Tea Forte
3 tasting notes

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drank Earl Grey by Tea Forte
2 tasting notes

Drank it black with some organic honey. Bouquet is quite heady.

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Really crisp and refreshing on a warm day. Delicious alternative to water.

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