Tea Embassy

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drank Thai Tea by Tea Embassy
3 tasting notes

I just tried it hot without any additions and it was delicious. I see it making a good iced Thai tea, but now that it’s cold, I’ll probably drink it all up hot and straight. Wonderful vanilla and anise flavors. Very smooth.

Flavors: Vanilla

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Advent from Dustin Day 4
The aroma is quite almondy. Like almond paste. Flavor is much more subdued, and tastes like a cookie with a hint of almond. There’s a bit of a chocolate quality in the aftertaste, enhancing the cookie experience.

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drank Winter Dreams by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

I could have sworn I reviewed this tea before. Hmmm….
I was hoping this would be like Teavana’s Mint Cacao and it is similar, but lacks some of the depth and richness that MC had. I get a light chocolate mint taste on the sip that fades into hints of chocolate with mint in the finish. Cold steeped if for several days in the fridge. Funny that it’s called Winter Dreams because I prefer drinking mint chocolate teas iced with cream during the summers! This isn’t going to be something I repurchase because it isn’t exactly what I’m looking for, which is something heavier on the chocolate flavoring.

Mastress Alita

Oddly enough, I’ve never even though to try icing any of my mint chocolate teas… I guess my brain always thought chocolate wouldn’t translate into an iced profile. Now I’m going to have to give it a try!

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drank Snow Flake by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

Feeling okay about this tea today. Looks like I have had this tea for a year and the coconut is still holding on! Someone at Tea Embassy must love the coconut and almond combo because I swear they must have five or more versions! Drinking it without any cream added. Today this is a nice warming smooth comforting cup on a cold rainy day.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec

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drank Snow Flake by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

Sipping on this today and finding a little less than what I was hoping for. I was hoping for Lupicia’s Chocolate Strawberry Puerh, but it looks like I was out so I picked this instead. It’s ok, just not quite hitting the spot this morning.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Snow Flake by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

My first steeping of this was had with creamer and during the rush of the morning, so it was chugged rather than enjoyed. I’m on my second steeping now and it seems lighter in taste and scent. I’m getting mostly the hint of coconut, but not much else. This tea is one cup away from making it into my rehome bag.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Snow Flake by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

Ehhhhhh, I don’t know about this one so far. It smells like a lovely mix of almond and coconut, of which I am a huge fan, but it doesn’t come through as rich in the flavor. The tea seemed a little flat and underwhelming when hot. I abandoned the cup and came back later to a cold cup and it seems slightly more tolerable now. So far I am not a fan.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Decaf Irish Breakfast by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

I generally like Irish Breakfast tea. The meal I have mixed feelings about, the blood sausage weirds me out. The dry leaves of this tea are cute and curly with a lighter color on the very edge of them. Steeped, this tea was lighter in color than I expected and seems a touch light on the taste. I usually take my breakfast teas with cream, so I added some without tasting it first. It has a light malty tannin flavor to it. The assam comes through. My mouth is left a little dry after each sip. Raisins faintly in the aftertaste. This tea seems okay, but so far isn’t my favorite IB ever. We’ll see if that changes. Even if it doesn’t, it’s still nice to have it for an evening option.

*Next time try steeping for 4m on first steep.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

I loved blood sausage! I am glad they called it black pudding there, though! The white pudding was just as good to me.


Oh that’s right! I totally forgot it was called black pudding! Sounds so much more appetizing that way.

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drank Orange Biscotti by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

I reordered this tea a while back. It didn’t taste very good at first. I’ve found that some fresh teas need time to sit and age for the flavors to develop and was hoping that would be the case for this one. It sat for several months (eight to be exact) and it’s never developed into the tea I recall loving. It’s not terrible, but the sip is tart in a very distracting way. Did they over orange it? is it a different base? Something is different. I’ll have to add cream and see if that improves the situation for the rest of the 4oz bag.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Orange Biscotti by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

Sad to sip this one down and see it go. It lost a little bit of the magic towards the end of the bag, but I look forward to finding an excuse to place another Tea Embassy order and restocking this!

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drank Orange Biscotti by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

God I love this tea! I went through this bag at record speed and only have one serving left. I’ll be reordering for sure. The orange is bright, but is rounded out nicely by almond. It’s smooth, delicious and is good for a resteeping. It is labeled as a black tea, but the leaves look greener to me. Not sure what is up with that, but either way I like it!

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

oooh, this one sounds really good to me.

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drank Orange Biscotti by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

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drank Orange Biscotti by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

I have been loving on this tea something fierce lately, plowing through the 2oz bag. Somewhere along the way I discovered it does work really well with a little creamer. I went on a four day road trip last weekend and brought it along, but had no way to get hot water for steeping. The tea sat in the hot car and seems to have lost some of it’s delicious edge by the time I returned. It’s still really good, just not quite as good before I took it on it’s ill fated journey. Hasn’t stopped me from downing my cup this morning and I will be ordering more once I can justify another TE order.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Orange Biscotti by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

I think this tea has been misnamed. Orange biscotti isn’t an accurate representation, but I’m guessing more people know what biscotti is than what panettone is, which is exactly what this tea matches. The scent of the dry tea is rich with orange, almond and sweet bread. That scent is lighter once steeped, but still very present. When sipping it I get a very well balanced rich baked orange pastry flavor. The almond blends in well, adding to the baked notes. The base of the tea merges perfectly with the orange. I’d be curious to know what the base is and if it has bread notes of it’s own. I bet this tea would be delicious with cream and sugar. Perhaps a test for another cup, because this one is really nice as is.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Almond Cake Green by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

The description of this tea says it competes with their Almond Cookies tea, which I have loved to pieces but haven’t had in a while. It has a more raw almond scent to the dry tea then the cookie version. I haven’t had the cookie tea in a while, so I’m going off memory here, but I feel like this tea is a lighter version. It has a nice almond flavor to it with all the other flavors blending in so well to support the almond that I can’t really pick them out. So far this tea isn’t as good as my memory of cookie, but I got a bag of that in my order and will be steeping some of it soon. Tea Embassy surprisingly had several versions of almond teas, maybe five that I can recall right now and I got some of each to try!

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 0 sec

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The aroma of this tea is DIVINE. It is my favorite go-to tea. Smells like a subtly flavored vanilla cookie. So perfect.

Flavors: Almond, Coconut

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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A fantastic Earl Grey-type tea, with a bit more caramel and vanilla. A round and comforting mouth feel and not too strongly flavored with bergamot.

Flavors: Bergamot, Caramel, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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drank Lemon Chiffon by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

Sipdown. :( This is the same as Della Terra’s Lemon Chiffon, which is delicious. I haven’t been drinking this one as much lately, but it’s no reflection on the tea. Creamy lemon flavor that the rooibos doesn’t ruin. It is a great decaf option and once I’ll eventually restock.


Is this literally the same tea as DT’s version?


Yes, exactly the same. They must both purchase it from the same supplier.


They both also have the same almond green tea. DT calls it Almond Biscotti and TE calls it Almond Cookies Green. It is also super delicious.


I have the almond biscotti but my sample got ruined. Good to know!

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drank Pumpkin Spice Rooibos by Tea Embassy
1780 tasting notes

Judging by the fact that over half the rooibos in this package is gone, I must have enjoyed this tea more in the past. Right now it’s not doing much for me. The spices are clearly there, but it seems all high notes and doesn’t have a good base. I have some coconut creamer in it and it’s okay, but it isn’t hitting the spot either.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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Sipdown (171/177)!

Thank you VariaTEA for the sample! It’s not something I would have picked out for myself, so it was cool receiving it. That’s one of my favourite thing about swapping with you; you always send me so many things to try that I’d have never shown an interest in otherwise. Of course there are many pros to swapping with you!

Prepared this in my timolino for work since the sample you sent was perfect timolino size. The only other Bavarian Cream tea I’ve tried is Red Leaf’s matcha version in cold milk and I have to say that I’m not impressed by that take on it. I don’t know what it was about this one (maybe the base or perhaps the inclusion of chocolate) but this was much more accurate to the Bavarian Cream flavour I’m familiar with in things like donuts or other pastries.

The black base was noticeable, especially near the end of the timolino (I kinda felt like the strength of the base built the more I drank) but the richness of the Bavarian Cream and a milky chocolate were also strong and distinct. There was subtle notes of pastry, but it’s also possible that was a psychological tie in because I do heavily associate Bavarian Cream with pasties.

It was pretty solidly good and I’d drink it again if I got the chance, but I wouldn’t stock it.

Flavors: Chocolate, Cream, Pastries

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This tea is incredibly similar to Adagio’s Chocolate Chip. Seriously, the two are one in the same. Smooth black base coated in rich chocolate flavor. A nice tea but something I would prefer to have mixed with something else to give it a more rounded flavor. Thank you Dustin for the chance to try this tea. Perhaps I will do some experimenting with the rest of the sample and see what interesting blends I can make :)

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I was offered this tea after a massage today. Instead of hem making it in a paper cup with almost hot water from a machine, I took the tea bag and brought it home. I am not generally a flavored tea person. This tea isn’t going to change my mind. Like someone else noted previously, I don’t taste much almond – this was very coconutty to me. I don’t need to own any of this.

Flavors: Coconut

Terri HarpLady

I’m with you. I like my greens ‘pure’, for the most part. Of course, there are occasional exceptions, but they are not common.


I most especially don’t like artificial flavors and they seem especially bite-y with greens to me.


More for me then! I love this tea,


I did think the (apparently) hand-tied bag was cute though…

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drank Moroccan Mint by Tea Embassy
8 tasting notes

This is, unlike most other Moroccan Mint blends, just organic mint leaves – no green tea in sight. Steeped for a full 6 minutes, the tea is aromatic and lightly brothy. I did find myself wishing it was a bit more tingly, but I think that’s because I’ve been spoiled by having tried Heather’s Tummy Tea before (which is probably the best peppermint tea out there).

Overall, though, this is an excellent mint and I would happily drink this again!

[Numi’s Collection: 2/18]

6 min, 0 sec 6 OZ / 177 ML

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