Tea Dynasty

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It’s very milky actually, it is slightly more bitter than your usual milk oolong, but possibly just as creamy.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Yunnan Black Tea by Tea Dynasty
1764 tasting notes

Ugh, so apparently this is a Pu’erh blend as well?!? are ALL Yunnan’s like that? I thought it was a region, not a type of tea :(
Well it’s better than the one I had yesterday, possibly because I added milk, and when that wasn’t enough, some cream. and about triple the amount of agave I normally add, and I can still barely taste it- agave is potent stuff! apparently yunnan doesn’t take to sweeteners very nicely.
I had planned to share this with a friend, but it looks like I need to find another one to do that with because I don’t see anyone except pu’erh fans loving it…
That said, are there any steepsterites interested in a swap on this one? heck, forget the swap, I’ll just send it to you!

Now, about the flavours… it’s earthy, but not as much as other pu’erhs so perhaps that’s why it isn’t listed as such. The other notes remind me of a plain black tea, with a mild malty flavour. Call it an orange pekoe/pu’erh blend.
It smells earthy to, which I think is half of what turns me off. The other half emerges at that point where you’re about to swallow, that’s when I taste the earthy oddness. I wouldn’t say it’s unpleasant… more like my taste buds don’t know what to make of it.
Anyone ever tried a Bentonite cleanse? like that only a whole lot less intense.
Oh my goodness, I just realized that’s what it reminds me of!! ok now it’s not so bad. There is something comforting in recognizing it. Still, I’m offloading it to any takers…


I’d be happy to take it off your hands!


Sweet! you are in TO? I can meet up or send it to you…


Sending it might be best, I don’t know when we’ll be downtown next!


I like yunnans, but they tend to give me tummy rumbles so I just don’t drink them! When I smell that peppery scent I know there is going to be growling bear noises. Oddly, pu-erhs don’t do that to me, even though they are usually made from yunnan tea.


huh, now I know! I had no idea that yunnans were the base for pu’erhs. They taste very similar to me, which is strange cuz I thought the earthy taste was a product of the fermentation. hmmm
They make me feel ill as well, you aren’t alone there!


It is a region of China, it’s just a region that has a very distinctive flavour profile. :) But yes, from what I understand it’s also the birthplace of the pu-erh type.
To me, though, the Yunnan blacks and the pu-erhs aren’t that similar in flavour.


double huh :)
I think maybe because I dislike it so much, I notice more of a similarity… they both taste very earthy to me, only the pu’erh is thicker and stronger in flavour


Isn’t that odd? :D But it totally illustrates why flavours can’t be discussed, only clarified, agreed or disagreed on. :)


I have to shorten my steep time on yunnans. When I sniff the leaves, peppery=rolling tummy noises. Don’t know why but I assumed it was because they believe most yunnan tea is assamica varietal, and Indian teas do the same to me so I guessed it was something about that varietal. On the other hand, if I eat a fatty meal and feel miserable, a cup or two of pu-erh usually perks me up. I prefer the ones that smell like a horse barn to the fishy ones, but I suspect my ou-erhs from Southern Season may not be as strong as some others. It doesn’t taste like the smell (thank goodness) and has a nice sweetness. It seems to do away with that yucky bloaty feeling.

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drank Dragonwell by Tea Dynasty
1764 tasting notes

I passed by the store today, but I only had a few minutes. The sales associate was really knowledgeable! I intended to stay for 2 min, but ended up there atleast ten… making me late *sighs
Anyhow, he let me try a sample of the Grade A dragonwell, and oh boy it was GOOD!! there are very few green teas that will make me swoon, but I will sing this tea’s praises any day.
I think it was the pan-fried part that was so tasty. Roasted teas usually appeal to me. Too bad it was so darn expensive, sheesh!
This nutty, roasty, mild, incredibly smooth brew(among the many others they have) could cause me serious financial woes. I hope there is no such thing as tea rehab, or else I could be in trouble.
oh and the best part, the normal scratchy sensation I get from so many green teas? well I felt the mildest suggestion of it after a few sips, but it was maybe 5% of the scratchiness I get in many jasmine/greens. One day I’ll retire and open up a tea shop somewhere in the city… or maybe just befriend a tea shop owner. Yes, that is the better idea I think!
EDIT: After thinking about it, I really shouldn’t even think about buying a tea like this without a proper gaiwan, but then I have no room in my place to keep one. Perhaps when I move I can have a corner dedicated to tea and a gaiwan (before I meet that tea shop owner, of course)


Actually they say green teas are better brewed using glass, so don’t worry about gaiwan (http://goo.gl/fImBx #2 under hints and I swear I read the same thing in some other places :))

As far as the pricing goes, the better the grade of tea is, the more resteepable it’s supposed to be, so you get your value back, but I think it’s definitely an indulgence tea rather than every day brew. I would ask the guy next time to point you to less expensive green teas that would satisfy your Dragonwell craving. There must be something for you with a great price/value combination.


Glass huh? I have a big pot, but it’s meant for flowering tea. I’ve been meaning to purchase a smaller one… Thanks for the tip Daniil :)
—When I finally manage to cut down on my current supply, I’m going back for a serious tasting session!


Well mainly the idea is to see leaves dance, if the glass is high enough it’s really gorgeous. Dragonwell does that especially, leaves constantly go from the bottom of the vessel to the top while standing up straight. It’s a good thing good Dragonwell is hard to oversteep, it’s easy to get carried away watching leaves boogie.


I can imagine that would be fun to watch.I sometimes watch them steep in my tea master, which is plastic… but I’m sure it would be much crisper in a glass.
I have so many teas at home that should only be enjoyed when one has time… but who has that anymore?! multiple steeps? I just grab n go! It’s a shame, I really enjoy those ones to.


I’d assume it’s about the same glass/plastic, except that glass keeps temperature better maybe.
Haha, I try to contain myself from buying a ton of tea, having a small cupboard helps battling my addiction :)

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drank Dog Brain Tribute by Tea Dynasty
68 tasting notes

This is first tea I rate at a 100 because it’s just that darn good.

Dry leaves are ranging from dark green to pale green color, snail like in form, very fuzzy, in fact the whole tin is covered in pollen like substance from it. The leaves look very gentle. Dry leaves smell fresh, little grassy and flowery.

Steeped it’s of very pale yellow color, it smells and tastes nutty and creamy and it’s very mellow. It’s a gentle green tea with no bitterness at all.

It was somewhat pricey, I can’t find any information on it on Google (seems like the name is just a literal translation from Chinese, maybe this sort goes by other name) and the fact that it’s so covered in mystery only makes it that much better.

195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 0 sec

That is certainly the most bizarre tea name I’ve ever seen! O.O


I asked about it in the store, the guy neglected to bring it out, claiming that it was too expensive. How much was it?


I got it absolutely randomly actually, I was tasting Dragonwell and I loved it so I wanted to pick up some green to go home with me.

The guy recommended I try this dog brain tribute tea. They didn’t even have it in a tin, he just opened a new bag of it (relatively small as I’ve seen the bag Tie Guan Yin came in and it was at least 3 times as big) but he did mention that it’s somewhat rare or something, and that they don’t get it often.

I don’t actually remember what the price was, but I remember that I had to get 25g as it was some big sum and I just wanted to taste it. I wanna say around $35/50g, hope it’s not too off.

I am a little dumbfounded that they didn’t tell you the price though, the guy that I always see there is VERY friendly and I can’t imagine him pulling off a stunt like this.

How did you learn about it? I never heard of it neither can I find it anywhere on Google, do you know if it goes by some other name?


actually, it was from your post that I heard about it. I just HAD to ask about the amazing tea that got a 100 rating on this site :)
I think the sales guy new that I was in a rush, and on a budget. Next time though, I will ask if I can buy a cup of it.
That is really expensive tea. One day, I will buy a bag!


@Indigobloom I stopped by Tea Dynasty yesterday and asked about the tea, it’s $30. And they do have it in stock. Ironically I just ran out of mine this morning, mixed it with T-Buds Dragonwell, not too bad of a mix actually heh.


I have so much tea in my cupboard… I can’t justify buying one so expensive. I can dream though!

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drank Rice Tuocha by Tea Dynasty
68 tasting notes

I find this tea has a bologna after taste. It’s not really bad, just a little unusual. I guess it just has the same type of spice flavor, hence the simile.

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drank Rice Tuocha by Tea Dynasty
68 tasting notes

I am not a big fan of dry tuocha smell, it smells overpoweringly like rice, but when it’s steeped it actually turns out to be a pretty yummy sheng puerh. It’s quite astringent and can get quite bitter if you oversteep it, but otherwise it’s pretty mellow bold tea. It seems to pack quite a punch as well, any time I drink it I get plenty a rush.

One thing I noticed that after steeping one tuocha literally only three times in my travel container it still smells like it after I have at least 4 other teas in it. It’s a peculiar experience, I don’t particularly like the smell of tea, but it tastes good to me. I am definitely interested in flavored puerhs now, so I’ll give this tea that, it awakened my curiosity beyond straight pu-erhs.

205 °F / 96 °C 5 min, 0 sec

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Dry leaves smell very grassy with a very slight flowery accent. When steeped the flower smell becomes very prominent both in aroma and in taste. Liquor is of lightest golden color. Tea is very light and mellow, no bitterness comes out even after a generous amount of leaves with a longer steeping time. Has a long lasting flowery aftertaste. Reminds me of tulips.

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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drank Milk Oolong by Tea Dynasty
68 tasting notes

Dry leaves smell more like milk candy than straight cream (compared to Tea Emporiums milk oolong I tried).

When leaves are steeped I find the milky smell gets lost, it smells more like straight oolong, the liquor still keeps the creamy smell.

Taste is rich, very creamy and bold with definitive oolong profile. It even has plenty of bitterness you’d get from high mountain oolong or tie guan yin steeped for longer time. In fact the tea tastes much like high mountain oolong. Interesting thing I find about this tea is the fact that it literally has milk aftertaste, sort of lactose feeling even.

Manager of Tea Dynasty assured me that it’s not flavor infused. I am no expert by any means but it seems true, since even in comparison with Tea Emporium tea tastes creamy, not so much milky and it has a strong oolong flavor. Also the milky notes are closer to green tea nuttiness than milk in flavor. Sort of milder version of dragon well nuttiness, that isn’t as nutty therefore comes off as creaminess instead.

I am much happier with this tea in comparison to Tea Emporium as I was lacking flavor in the latter a whole lot, it was too mild. This tea is creamy yet still bold.

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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An extremely smooth and earthy pu-erh almost creamy even. It has bitterness that is associated with pu-erhs but it’s never overpowering, just stays as a pleasant aftertaste. I can also detect some slight starchiness.

It has a very deep ruby brown color, yet extremely clear, with summer forest after rain smell. What I mean by that is sort of dusty fresh leaves on the ground just when the rain starts type of smell.

Resteeps well, in gaiwan it keeps it’s taste for 10+ infusions, in the pot I steep it for about 3 times getting flavor all the way through.

Boiling 6 min, 0 sec

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I have tried this tea several times before I finally got courage to review it. Without further ado I certainly must say I like this tea a whole lot.

Dry tea has a beautiful cigar color with a toasty smell. Brew tastes smoky, creamy, grassy and malty with notes of dark honey and buckwheat. It’s slightly sweet and bitter at the same time.

I’ve tried this tea in gaiwan with quick infusions and steeped in the pot, I just can’t seem to find a way to screw it, it comes out delicious no matter what. Steeping it a bit longer really makes it flavorful while in comparison later infusions taste fresh and grassy.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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Steeped this tea has slightly smokey characteristic oolong aroma, very gentle and pleasant. Liquor has a fresh grassy taste which immediately turns into a complex aftertaste, with familiar smokiness from smelling the tea. There is a slight bitterness that stays in the mouth. Cup smells like a very high quality brown sugar or honey based on different infusions. Color of the infusion is a very deep gold, I could get about 6-8 very flavorful infusions (gaiwan) from it with last ones being only grassier and fresher than earlier ones. Flavor stays very strong throughout all infusions. Definitely a tea I’d recommend.

Boiling 0 min, 45 sec

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