Prince of Peace

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It is hard to really describe the taste of ginseng beyond that it is a bit like ginger but a lot lighter and smooth without the spicy edge to it. Not bad so it does not come off as chore as I highly doubt that taste is the main reason one is drinking ginseng tea.

Boiling 4 OZ / 118 ML

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I must admit I find it funny that Prince of Peace Japanese Style Green tea is a product of China, or pretty much Chinese green tea that was made Japanese style. This one has a light fresh and sweet taste that is very enjoyable. If a drank green tea more often, I would seriously consider buying this one again. Which is a good thing as it was a box of 100 teabags which really hope I can finish while they are still fresh.

165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 15 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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This is a somewhat decent teabag green tea. It is a medium green tea which is far from the lighter and sweeter greens that I prefer.. Makes a decent iced tea but don’t give my review too much weight as this is outside of my typical teas of interest.

165 °F / 73 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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When it comes to tea bags teas, once again Prince of Peace has proven to provide unusually high quality brew. The key to getting it to come out good is to use a smaller 6 oz cup and to brew for 4 minutes with boiling water. The result is a rich dark roast oolong that I would consider good enough to be an everyday Oolong for when you do not have the ability to focus enough to use a gaiwan.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 6 OZ / 177 ML

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Sweet and spicy, tastes like drinking warm liquid ginger. I probably wouldn’t drink this straight for pleasure but it helps with colds and the winter blues. If you love ginger like me, use some of the packet in a cup of brewing tea (especially chai) it REALLY brings it up a notch.

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200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 30 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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200 °F / 93 °C 4 min, 15 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec 12 OZ / 354 ML

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Admittedly this is not the best tea out there. But it’s certainly drinkable and I’ve been chugging through boxes of this stuff since undergrad.

Today I’m sick. At least I think I’m sick – headache, stuffy/runny nose, sneezing and asthma going through the roof. But being so foggy headed this morning I woke up extremely late, and still thought it was a good idea to go into work. (Not so much a good idea, but I can’t miss a Tuesday! It’s my busiest day of the week!) I’ve got a box of this stuff in the car, for days I forget or am running so late I can’t even think of tea.

The taste is strong enough that I can still get a slight whiff of the green even though my nose is all clogged up. Usually I brew this 30sec-1min. Today I let it go a full 2min. This brought out a bit more astringency, but the tradeoff is actually being able to detect more than hot water when you’re sick.

I’m not going to touch the TTB I’ve got for a few more days at this rate, I don’t want to contaminate it. I’ve got nitrile gloves though, and if I can find a face mask I might be able to pack it up and ship it out.


Oh no! Hope you feel better! In trying not to catch anything, but my sinuses are going crazy.


Oh I hate that. I hope you’re feeling better quick quick quick!

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I wanted to try this one because I was curious about what the Dong Quai(angelica sinensis) was going to taste like. I stumbled across a few things on the angelica sinensis a few years ago somehow while I was searching for info on Ginseng, I think it was called
“Female Ginseng”.
Anyways I read up a little on it and tho it’s used mostly for female health it seemed to
have possibly a few benefits for anybody But I wondered what it tasted like and if was any good but I never bought any. From what I had read I had a preconceived notion in my head that it would taste not so bad perhaps similar to dandelion root.

I saw Cameron B’s Steepster post on this instant dong quai not long ago and I commented that I’d like to try this one and Cameron replied offering to send me a few yay!!
Thanks Cameron!

I wanted to try this one because I wondered about the taste of Dong Quai and because I do so love trying little instant tea packets like this for some reason. I’ll not lie I know that they may not all be very healthy and such with all the sugars and all but some of them just taste so good I can’t help myself anymore, when I see them I want to try them.
I didn’t always used to be like that with the instant packets but I sometimes now I binge on them, There is nothing wrong with indulging sometimes I think :)

Anyways this one is not bad at all, I like it tho it may be an acquired taste.
I was kinda right in my assumption that it would taste like dandelion, it Don’t taste like
it BUT the flavors are in the same field.
It has an herbal taste similar to burdock or dandelion that I love so
well with a peppery celery-like bitterness and it is VERY sweet honey taste, almost too sweet even with a slight taste of sticky dates.(the herbal bitter celery kinda kills the date some even tho it is very sweet).
It also has kinda of a roasty dark quality about it that makes it much more like a caffeine free Coffee Substitute rather than a Tea.

Did you ever get Verdant Tea’s TOTM with the blends???
They had blend one month called “Cask Strength” do you remember it? Did you like it?
If you liked it then you’d prolly like this instant packet of Dong Quai & Red Date, it don’t
taste the same but it is in the same neighborhood, minus the slight date taste of course.

I enjoyed this :)

Flavors: Bitter, Celery, Dates, Herbaceous, Honey

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This was my wildcard purchase at Shang today. It sounded interesting and it was only $6.50 for a box of ten pouches, so I figured why not? I like dates. I have no idea what dong quai tastes like (apparently it’s the same thing as angelica root, but I don’t know what that tastes like either).

So I mixed a packet up in hot water while my sister was over for dinner, because we were both curious about it. I originally did 6 ounces, but bumped it up to 8 after the first taste. This is incredibly sweet stuff. I mean, it’s literally like drinking honey and molasses in water. I realize dates are sweet, but dayum! And apparently dong quai tastes like celery leaves, because there’s a very strong celery leaf flavor in here that doesn’t go well at all with the sweetness.

Overall, this is odd but not terrible. I’m not really sure I should give it a rating even… I wouldn’t even know where to begin with this one! :P

Flavors: Celery, Dates, Honey, Molasses, Sweet

8 OZ / 236 ML
Tommy Toadman

I wanna try this one too,I like trying the little instant tea powders :)

Cameron B.

Hah, well I’d definitely be willing to send you a couple of packets if you’re up for it! :P

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Feeling sick today, so I opted to have this one finally, to help push away what I know is coming, and I don’t want. It’s DH’s birthday this week, and I would rather not be snotty and sick. :( So hoping this helps my system and aids in clearing up my sinuses some.

I used the whole packet and about 8 oz of water, but ended up diluting it a little more with a few more ounces. It’s still pretty strong and burny, but more tolerable now. I feel like having these crystals on hand is something I would like. Where does one get them when not sent as part of a swap?

This one is from OMGsrsly and I’m grateful she sent it. It’s been waiting for a while for the right time to use. :)

Flavors: Ginger, Honey


:) I got them at T&T, and found more at Superstore. There are lots of varieties, just check the ingredients. I prefer ones with honey and sugar, rather than just sugar.


I find these at Whole Foods. I like to mix half a packet with a cup of black tea. It’s a great drink when I’m feeling under the weather.


No Whole Foods here. What’s T&T? We have a Stupidstore, but it’s in Langford. I’m in James Bay. I wish we had one closer. We don’t go out that way much except for Costco which is the opposite direction, but I’ve been aiming to get there lately.


T&T is an Asian grocery store. You could go to the bigger grocery store in Chinatown, they might have something like this. Check the bags of individually packaged hot drinks, the latest package I got was in with the “cereal” drinks.

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I couldn’t believe the whole package was for 6-8 oz. of water. I used 15oz. and it is strong. Delicious but strong. Thanks OMGsrsly!


I might have used like 1/4 of the package for 8 oz and the honey was too strong. I wanted more ginger!!


The honey was pretty strong but I got a lot of ginger too. It burned the back of my throat. In a good way haha. I used the whole package though, gah. It was intense.


Haha. I got a lot of ginger but I wanted more to drown out the sweetness.


I love this one. So good for camping! :) Glad someone else is now addicted. :D

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a nice and smooth oolong tea :)

Tommy Toadman

I like this one, it is really good for a bagged oolong, I use to go through whole boxes of this stuff fast, makes great iced tea :)

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My friend gave me one of these to try. He said he found it at the Asian market, but he wasn’t very specific. I can’t say I’ve seen it at the one I frequent.

Now, when I open the foil, I realize this isn’t a traditional tea. It’s instant. There is no tea bag, no loose leaf to be found here. Just tiny brown granules. Honestly, it looks like fish food… not the flakes, more like the kind you feed to bettas. However, it smells delicious. The scent is like maple syrup. It makes me want French toast or pancakes. There’s also a nice spicy scent of ginger. I have a feeling I’m going to like this.

The instructions say I can add hot or cold water, so I went with hot. (There’s still snow everywhere here in Atlanta, after all.) As soon as the water hit the granules, it darkened to an almost coffee-like color. Very dark and with a strong gingery aroma. I didn’t add any sweetener because the package listed honey and glucose in the ingredients. I figured it would be sweet enough anyway.

Good lord! This is some strong stuff! Maybe I didn’t add enough water. It says 220ml and I used a regular sized mug. I know this mug holds at least 8 or 9 ounces, which is more than 220ml. So this could be what it’s supposed to taste like – so much ginger that it burns. It is pleasantly sweet, and you can definitely taste the honey. The brown sugar rounds out the ginger a little bit, adding its addictive syrupy taste. This would be so good if I had a cold. I can imagine it would work wonders for the sinuses. Maybe I’ll add a box of this to my medicine cabinet.

Flavors: Honey


Very cool! I’ve never seen anything like you’re describing before.


Hmm, different! Can’t say I agree with teas that are pre-sweetened with sugar, though.


This one isn’t overly sweetened. It’s not like soda-sweet. But I understand. It’s better to be able to do it yourself.


It is supposed to burn! I love it. So nice when I’m sick and don’t want to make it fresh.


i love how the scent is maple syrup & the color is coffee-like! syrupy & spicy? gahh sounds so decadent.. thanks for your review, now i totally have to try this!

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Shhhhhhh. The baby’s asleep. And because she is, I get the chance to make tea! Babysitting tea is lovely, because I just realized that my lovely employers have some jasmine green tea (and they don’t mind me using it!). But I brought along this white tea, from Prince of Peace, to have. I think I got it in a swap a while back (probably the 12 days, like TeaTiff and Roswell Strange, but not sure). So here I am, listening to Welcome to Night Vale, and drinking this white tea. Steeped, it smells pretty smoky. At a three minute steep, I’m not getting much flavor, but with a couple more minutes, it’s actually quite good for a bagged tea. I’m not a great white tea fan, but this was a pretty relaxing cup.

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Eve sent this to me in a swap and honestly I had no clue what to do with the pouch. I thought maybe I dumped the whole thing in the cup but then figured that was a little insane so I used about 1/4 of the package in 8 oz of boiling water. The crystals dissolved instantly and left behind a tea that is somehow both extremely sweet and quite spicy. In fact, I think maybe I used too much crystal because this is cloying as I drink but then has a nice ginger zing in the aftertaste. I am just very confused on how I feel right now but thank you Eve for this interesting experience.


I used a whole package, and it burned (in a good way)! You were wise to only use part of it. :)


Haha. I think I wanted more burn and less sweetness. I like the burn…


Haha! :)


Sounds absolutely delicious!


I just used the whole pouch and I may add more water…it is very burny. Good, but burny.

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I received this as a sample in the 12 days of Christmas swap and unfortunately in the rush of trying to get packed for vacation and take some of the 12 days of tea this sample did not get labeled right. Thank you to the person that sent this my way.

This was a nice calming afternoon tea. I have never had bagged white tea before this so I wasn’t sure what to expect. It was an enjoyable cup. Thank you.

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I decided to give this freeze-dried ginger-honey granulated powder another try since I have a couple of packets (of unknown provenance…) in my drawer. I find, again, that it’s too sweet for me, and also the ginger seems (logically enough) like dried ginger.

I added some True Lemon, which greatly improved the flavor, as it helped to reawaken the dormant life of the ginger. But for me, this is probably best as a cold remedy, when the honey could help with a sore throat. Of course, there’s always licorice root…

Boiling 7 min, 15 sec

I actually love these … but I don’t drink them straight. I brew a cup of hot black tea, and then add about half a packet of the crystals to my black tea and enjoy. It is wonderful when I’m feeling under the weather. I always keep some in the cupboard for when I’m feeling bad.


Now there’s an idea: everything is better with tea! ;-)

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I brewed a packet of this in 8 oz water. Anyone who’s tried it knows that is crazy strong.

I can’t smell the ginger. I can feel a little heat/taste some earthiness and sweetness when I drink it, but I can’t smell the ginger.


I guess it’s time to drink the teas I have that I don’t really care for…


That is what I did when I lost my tastes. I hope you feel better soon though.


Thanks. I’m getting so tired of this! :)


Good call drinking the not-so-great stuff when your taste is impaired anyway. Just sucks you’re sick in the first place.

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