Organic India
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I am dreading this cup of tea. The detox teas are not a favorite anyway, but I’ve actually had a taste of this one before. My husband had a cup of this the day we bought it so I tried it then. I’m not trying to be crude here, but I feel I should be honest.
Forgive me, but this tea tastes like hot vomit. It is the most bitter substance I have ever put in my mouth. Now, in its defense, the packaging does say that it will be bitter. Something about the kidneys liking bitter things. But I didn’t expect this.
The smell isn’t so bad. There is some mint in the aroma as well as something like echinacea maybe. I tried adding honey and it might have helped a little, but the taste is still awful. This is just going to have to go down in chugs. It reminds me of a really overwhelming grapefruit, maybe grapefruit peel. If I pretend it’s a grapefruit tea, I can almost bear it.
Flavors: Bitter, Herbaceous, Mint
I’m totally biased in rating this: I love ginger, and tulsi has always helped me out with my stress. I don’t recommend it for people averse to spiciness. Organic India’s teas are more for than medicinal purposes than just pure taste, though the teas that I’ve had have always tasted good to me. The same mode of thought applies to the stress relief, might work for some people but not others.
My medicine to force me to sleep and relax….and the sedative I frequently administer to my grandmother, my last roommate, and an a practical anti-depressant for one of my friends.
Rose, chamomile, and the grass dew background of the basil pronounce this tisane. It really can be a hit or miss for people, like most herbals usually are. The medicinal effects might or might not work for everyone, but when they do, they do. Sweet rose is also one of the only chamomile blends that I will ever drink.
After several stressful days I decided this one was a good one to try. They say that Tulsi is an anti stress tea, I don’t know if they are right. With this blend you get the flavor of the tulsi, the flavor of the pomegranite, but not much flavor from the green tea. It is relatively good though.
I brewed this once in an 16oz Teavana Glass Perfect Tea Maker/Gravity Steeper with 3 tsp leaf and 175 degree water for 5 min.
Flavors: Tulsi
Bought this on EBay after trying a Tulsi blend from my local tea shop. Trying it now because it’s caffeine free and I have to be awake before 3 am to catch a flight to Texas. It is an interesting blend of the herbal character of the tulsi and the raspberry and peach flavors. Tulsi is a type of herbal that is new to me so I am not sure what to think.
I brewed this once in a 16oz Teavana Glass Perfect Tea Maker/Gravity Steeper with 3 tsp leaf and boiling water for 5 min.
Tulsi is the one herbal “magic bullet” that actually has a de-tensing effect for me. Never tried it in a fruit blend.
Tulsi has a strong basil taste to it. I find it has a very subtle way of de-stressing when I’m at work without making me tired. I would never say I got used to and loved the flavour but it’s okay. For this tea I never liked the added flavouring. It’s probably hard to find a good flavoured Tulsi since it’s so strong tasting.
Phwoo, this one is pure zip!
Being tulsi jasmine green tea on the label I was expecting a taste of green tea with Jasmine and herbs listed on it.
No distinguishable green tea at all. You have to hunt for the chamomile and jasmine and can only barely, barely, find them. It’s all spice basically with the green and flowers to round it out in the background though they can’t be picked out.
I like it and am looking to buy some more.
Not a normal buy for me at all, I am not sure but it may’ve been part of the gifts at the Coffee&Tea Festival here in NYC. If not, then that is where I bought it, anyhoo.
Bizarre and zippy. Not overwhelming, just a nice clean zing on the tongue. I’m currently having this before bed as my first try with it.
I am setting my Breville to make hot water for a cup in the morning for both the pleasure and as I need to take meds. Seems a nice one to wake up to and good for night, both.
Again, not my normal kinda thing but so glad I got it. Grabbin’ more, heading to their site I saw it’s on sale and I could grab some others to give a check out.
Sorry can’t give clearer or more detailed description as this one is just sorta blind. The basil lies over all, the spices as a whole lie over the flowers, the green tea is nowhere to be found. Just plain zippy good.
1 bag in 6oz in 175 degrees, 2 minutes. Not what was recommended, but I went by taste.
Stumbled upon this unusual blend in my quest for the ideal rose tea. Drinkable—more fancy than yummy if you ask me. Completely herbal and thus caffeine-free, but I’m not sold on the inclusion of stevia leaf; I’d rather sweeten it myself and risk any bitterness. The search continues, but it was worth a try!
Flavors: Rose, Sweet
The first time I had this I brewed it for 5 minutes and didn’t really like it: the chamomile dominated for me, and I’m not crazy about chamomile. Brewed for 10 minutes, I like it much better – there’s a little more brightness, maybe from the mango.
Sweet Rose? Yes, please. Holy basil? Heavens yes! “Stress-Relieving & Magical”? You & Betcha. Sometimes I get lucky and stumble across a delightful tea — smells wonderful, tastes divine to me. It’s another one of those teas in which the tea bag can remain in your cup as you sip, kinda like Traditional Medicinals Cranberry Weightless. Ohhhhhm yeah. Enjoy. :^) — [ oh yes, and: it’s caffeine-free + organic + fair trade = nirvana ]
Flavors: Floral, Rose, Tulsi
This is a pleasant chai, if not an outstanding one. The tulsi adds a nice touch; it’s present but not too strong. I do wish the rest of the flavors were more pronounced, but I always tend to go for stronger flavors so this could well be just right for someone who prefers a milder chai. I can hardly notice the tea base at all, but still, this makes for a pleasant cup. I do think I prefer Organic India’s rooibos chai, though—if I can’t taste the black tea and don’t get the caffeine kick, what’s the point?
I haven’t had this in months and I forgot how much I like it. The main body of the tea is chamomile with an added sweetness from the honey. The tulsi adds a really nice base for this tisane and is a great balance for the sweetness of the chamomile and honey. I have to admit that I’m a little sentimental towards it too because my good friend Lucky brought it to me all the way from India :-)
I almost added this to the swap for Cameron B so she could try tulsi, but I know how she feels about florals ;-)
My dear friend Lucky just got back from visiting his family in India for 3 weeks and he brought me teas!!!! What a sweetheart. He just dropped them by tonight and this was the only caffeine free option, so I had to try it immediately. This is only my second tulsi and I must say that I am really enjoying the tulsi-chamomile combination! It tones down the green bean-ness of the tulsi. The chamomile is just lovely too and there’s a subtle sweetness from the honey flavor that makes this a really well rounded cup. I actually think I’m going to make myself a second cup right now :-)
This is only my 2nd tulsi tea, but I’m thinking that tulsi may not be my thing. I didn’t enjoy the aroma or flavor much. I’ve seen people mention that tulsi can have a citrusy flavor, but I didn’t pick up anything like that here.
The friend who bought this box doesn’t like tea, and only bought it because she was responsible for snack for a meeting, so she gave me the leftovers. So I’m giving it another try before I give up entirely on it.
I have discovered that it wasn’t rooibos I was tasting with the first cup- it was hibiscus. This makes it even harder to love, but I tried steeping it for longer, and that works a little better. Eventually, the metallic, bitter taste of the hibiscus fades into the background.
The pomegranate is SUPER strong. While it steeps, it gives off an extremely strong, sweet smell reminiscent of bubblegum toothpaste. With a hint of earth. Ughhhhh….
Sipping… the Tulsi is more prevalent in the actual taste than the smell suggests, but the super-sweet pomegranate is definitely the primary note.
I think the elderberry only adds to the sicky-sweetness of the pomegranate, and the green tea gives the mouthfeel a little more richness. Tulsi tends to be pretty thin on its own.
The nasty bubblegum-toothpaste flavor lingers in the aftertaste.
Nope, this is still a pass for me. Blech.
This one kinda sucks…
It smells fruity, but it tastes almost exclusively like rooibos and not much else. I’m not even entirely sure if there’s rooibos in it, which is the ultra-sucky part.
My friend bought a box of this stuff. I’m glad I didn’t waste my money on it.
Another TJmaxx find. When something says passion fruit or Lilikoi on it I feel that I have to try it. I’m not a terribly huge fan of Tulsi for their taste but they do have a good company. It’s also the types of teas that I find are good to drink when your not feeling well. This one I bought purely for the passion fruit flavor. All I tasted was tulsi with slight hints of Passion fruit. it was good regardless but I wished they added more passion fruit in.
Sipdown (109)
This was a surprise teabag from my first swap with shmiracles!
I’ve got a whole lot of my herbals with me right now because of midterms tomorrow and yep! I feel like I’ve had this for a while and I just never drank it. It smells very strongly of ginger. More ginger than lemon.
It’s a teabag and I actually haven’t had a teabag in so long so… I’m hoping this doesn’t go bitter on me! Does bagged herbals go bitter? Do they steep in boiling water? Dude. I am so new to the world of teabags okay.
Okay. So I like stuck it into boiling water and just bounced the bag up and down till I got the colour I wanted and it took like 10 seconds wow. And just 10 seconds, SO MUCH FLAVOUR. Teabags are weird, man.
But tastes a smidge like the middle between David’s Super Ginger and La La Lemon. Just so much lemon and so much ginger in one tea. It’s a bit overwhelming.
Sipdown… Not sorry to see this one finished. I loved it at first, but today when I was drinking up the last two teabags of it, I realized how sickly sweet it is. It’s like they needed to compensate for the fact that tulsi isn’t very flavorful, and so they doused it in heavily perfumed rose and stevia. The result? I felt like I was drinking tulsi from a Bath and Body Works soap bottle.
Yuck. Sticking to Organic India’s Lemon Ginger tulsi blend if I ever find myself craving some holy basil.
I dug this out of my tea chest. I have to drink it sparingly because there are no places in my home area that I know of that carry it. It’s what I wanted tonight- soothing, aromatic, healthful. It’s only a little sweet, which is good because I dislike overly sweet things. Something about the earthiness of the tulsi and the floral rose just hits all the right notes some nights.